Episode 28 - (Part 5/February Sweeps/Last Part)

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The Beacon Hotel

After stepping inside the elevator and hearing the doors closed, Dawson leaned back and sighed closing his eyes. Going to the room where he and Laura have been staying since the fall after they fell for one another, the cracks have nearly broken the relationship between the two of them. Not telling her right off the bat that he was an FBI agent was something he kept from her and was about to tell until those goons kidnapped Laura, taking her to the warehouse that she was held in with Colin. Then after the rescue there was him finding out that Laura was actually Edmund Winslow's daughter something he had no clue about until his boss filled him in, so he was definitely not happy about that too. Lately the two of them have been kind of distant despite making small talk abut Dawson wanted to stay with Aspen and fight for her love, for her own trust. If her father hadn't gotten in the way, if she didn't protect him or if Dawson was never an FBI agent then they would still be fine but life doesn't work like that. That's why he has Laura's favorite flowers he brought from a local flower store after he was done at the FBI Springfield headquarters. Stepping off the elevator and going to their room, Dawson opens the door and immediately smells the scent of candles.

Dawson - "Something smells good...Laura...you home!?"

Laura - "In the bedroom honey!"

Dawson smiled a little bit before he closes the door behind him. Going to their bedroom the scent of candles got stronger for him when smelled it. There were ever rose peddles that lead up from the door to their bedroom and once he reached it there she was in red satin lace. She waved at her man as Dawson's jaw dropped.

Dawson - "Wow...Larua..."

Laura - "Speechless?"

Dawson - "That and stunned of how good you look this sexy red satin lace baby. You did all of this?"

Laura - "Yes, all of this is for us Dawson and hopefully it will be the start of something new for our relationship"

Dawson - "Well...hopefully you'll take these as a part of my love for you"

He shows her the flowers which causes her to blush and smiled before she took them. She smells them and realizes how fresh they look that also includes the appearance. Looking them over, Laura looks up at her lover and kisses him on the side of her lips after he walked up to her.

Laura - "Thank you baby, I am glad you did this but I hope we can start over Dawson. There's no need for us to be like this after the past couple of months, I should have been honest with you from the start"

Dawson - "Me too, admitting to you about my career, my job, what I do wasn't easy at first. But you need to know, I am an FBI agent Laura. It can be very dangerous but nothing will forever be taken for granted baby. I'll be busting my ass to get home to you"

Laura - "Well you better, but hopefully you can put up with me and my father. He's not a bad guy at all completely, he's been there for me since I woke up from my coma"

Dawson - "And I understand that Laura, you should of told me though still. The man's your father, I respect that but he's still a criminal for all the things the man did"

Laura - "You're right but he's still my dad. He just won't play a part in our lives and he won't come between us. If he does then he'll have to answer to me"

Dawson - "Sounds good to me, as your father and I will probably never be good friends due to me be on the side of the law. Too bad for him, I really don't give a damn"

Lara - "As you shouldn't, it's just me, you and Little HB, that is if you want to be a part of his life. I don't want to force you into something you don't wan to do Dawson, just letting you know honey"

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