Find Your Light - Episode 1

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After a long flight from Springfield to Greece, Gus and Harley finally landed in Greece, Haley's home she's stayed in since she left the town eleven years ago. She was so glad and happy to be with the man she loved in Gus Airtoro and when he went through everything while the world thought he was dead, he fought his way to come back to Harley. That night at Company's when he showed up and took Harley by surprise, all he wanted to do was just to wrap his arms around Harley and never let go. When they were on the airplane to Greece, Gus couldn't stay asleep as he was wondering what to do with the rest of his life, now that he was alive, free and not in the Ultimate Force's grasp anymore. There was a lot of things they could do together now, they could spend a lot of time sight seeing Greece together, have romantic dinners and even spend a lot of time in bed. Hell, they could go down to one of the beaches in Greece but there was one thing Gus had in mind that was important. Getting off the plane, grabbing Harley's luggage for her, the two of them leave the airport in Harley's car before going to her home that was near the beach. Arriving at her home, Gus and Harley get out of the car as he looked around the place.

Gus - "The view here is incredible Harley, looks like you did a lot of good after I was away"

Harley - "Well it wasn't easy at first, raising two boys by myself despite dad, Frank, Marina, Phillip and the others coming by for visits to help, but along the way everything got better"

Gus - "I'm happy to hear that but before we get in, allow me to do the honors, shall I?"

Harley - "What honors-WOAH!"

Gus sweeps Harley off of her feet by picking her up into his arms as she was caught off guard. But in the end she laughed, remembering the first time they got married and he carried her across the threshold to their honeymoon.

Gus - "You know we never got the chance to do this again. We were divorced and the love we shared died, but now I would love to carry you to our new home for our new beginning"

Harley - "Be my guest prince charming"

The two smile at each another before Gus carries Harley into her home after she gave him the keys. Kicking the door behind him Gus sets Harley down before kissing her again and boy did it feel so good to be like this with without worrying about anything as of right now.

Gus - "Mmmmm....ouch! Oh boy!"

Harley - "Gus, what's wrong? Are you-?"

Gus - "Hurting? Yes I am Harley, still, I guess it's going to take a long time before the old me is a hundred percent again. Those years in confinement at that compound nearly beat the breaks off of yours truly"

Harley - "Well don't worry about that Gus, later on I want to take you to the doctor so we can schedule appointments for your rehabilitation"

Gus - "That's all fine and dandy Harley but there's something else I want to take care of too, besides my own health"

Harley - "And what's that?"

Gus - "Finding out more information about my death and making sure the Ultimate Force pays for what they've done to me including Reva's family as well Harley"

Harley frowned but wished he didn't have to say that after they just got back from Springfield. From the look on Gus's face, he wasn't budging or backing away from what the man just said. Turning away from Harley, the man was able to walk up to one of the windows in what was the main living room. He placed his hands on the window he walked up to and placed one of his hands on there, looking out at the view of the beautiful ocean that had so many waves crashing against one another. Damn it, Gus was robbed out of memories like this thanks to the Ultimate Force. He deserved to have a great life, regardless of who it would be with, Harley, Olivia, Natalia, spending time with his son. There was no way they could escape what they did to Gus. The man was looking forward to make sure Olivia got the heart she needed on that day before Gus died, but something wasn't right. How did the Ultimate Force know about that day and when were they exactly going to take him? There were a lot of questions that needed to be answered and if there's someone who can help him, it's Harley but maybe a couple of more people can help them out. The more, the better right?

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