Find Your Light - Episode 5

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Springfield Police Department

On the way over to the Springfield PD like a bat out of hell was Dinah Marler, the daughter of Ross Marler, Vanessa Chamberlin Lewis, who just heard about Shayne's recent arrest. She immediately knew deep down Shayne didn't do any of this. He wouldn't have done anything to harm Alan-Michael, and for those in Springfield that knew Shayne best, the man didn't have a bad or horrible bone in his entire soul. Since they first met, Dinah knew Shayne wasn't perfect, hell, she was one of the people who did her best to help him out during the time Henry came into the world. They did everything in their power to make sure Edmund didn't lay one finger on that kid or at least try to snatch him, as Dinah showed her loyalty to not just Shayne but also the Lewis family. Edmund must have been behind all of this to get his payback on Shayne and the Lewis family after the FBI cleared him of no wrongdoing. The minute Mallet told her that, Dinah wasn't surprised but pissed off, Edmund was getting off too easy and if had anything to do with this, then she would make him pay. Parking her car near the precinct, Dinah gets out before she storms her way through the doors before she marches up to the interrogation room and busts through the door.

Dinah - "Shayne!"

Shayne, who looked up after he fell asleep and took a nap, opened his eyes before shaking his head. Yawning, he moves his mouth around as Dinah places her purse on the table and sits in the chair, not wasting anytime.

Shayne - "Thanks for waking me up Dinah, it feels boring in here but that's what happens when-"

Dinah - "What the hell happened Shayne? What did you do?"

Shayne - "Not a single damn thing Dinah. I am being arrested for nothing so yours truly is starting to rot for a crime that wasn't committed by me"

Dinah - "Then who did it? Who stabbed Alan-Michael?"

Shayne - "Beats me Dinah, it could have been anyone"

Dinah - "That damn Edmund, it has to be him Shayne, who else wants you behind bars for the rest of your life?"

Shayne - "Sounds way too easy Dinah, now I know I don't have any enemies besides Edmund. There's no way it could be someone like him"

Dinah - "Maybe someone in business when it comes to Lewis Energy? Have you made any big business deals with anyone?"

Shayne - "As of Dinah, Lewis Energies doesn't even collaborate with criminals or companies with shady backgrounds"

Dinah - "Well it HAS to be someone Shayne, if not Edmund, or a shady businessman...were going to figure this out"

Shayne - "I'm sorry...did you just say we?"

Dinah - "Were, that's what I just said...because I am going to get you out of here"

Shayne sighed and rolled his eyes, this is just what the man didn't need. His best friend in Dinah meant so much to him as he appreciated what she's done in the past. Despite the two of them trying to get married in the past and having a relationship together, they were good friends. Shayne didn't want her to do anything dumb to risk Shayne's freedom out of the SPD.

Shayne - "Dinah please, I appreciate you trying to help but you don't need to get yourself in trouble. What about Mallet? What if he finds you here next to me handcuff because you pulled a stupid move?"

Dinah - "Don't worry about Mallet, I will take care of him. He's the man I love and he is dedicated to his job but if he has to arrest be it. Mallet will be pissed but he'll understand"

Shayne - "Will he? He might blame it all on my shoulders Dinah and if anything happened to you, I just wouldn't-"

Dinah - "Shayne, just stop it alright? I'm going to help clear your name and that's that. You'll appreciate me more when it's all said and done"

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