Episode 1 - (The Season 4 Premier)

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Looking out the window of this restaurant, Reva thought about the DNA test revealed with Dylan being Joshua's son. Shaking her head, she thought it wasn't possible at all, but it was the truth. The thought of her husband having another child with another woman out of a wedlock back then wasn't the issue. Nope, it wasn't, having the child with Tangie Hill out of all women, she was much worse than her own sister Cassie who wouldn't hurt anyone or even a fly herself. Distracted, she didn't pay attention to Buzz walking up to Reva himself until the man spoke.

Buzz – Reva? You, okay?

Reva – Huh? Oh, hey Buzz, what's someone like you doing here? I thought you were retired but I am waiting for someone to show up for a meeting today.

Buzz – I am, I was just here to check up on how Marina was holding up here at Company's, but you didn't answer my question. What did Reva Shayne do now?

Reva- Nothing...yet that is. Joshua is at the airport awaiting his newfound son in Dylan who's currently on the way to meet him and Tangie.

Buzz – Joshua has a new son huh? So it is true after all.

Reva – Yeah, he does. Joshua was shocked like I was but since then he's accepted it.

Buzz – Something tells me you haven't accepted it and will not accept it for a very long time. You can't fool Buzz Cooper.

Reva sighs and shakes her head.

Reva – A man like Buzz Cooper knows me all too well. It's nothing against Dylan, it's just that his bitch of a mother in Tangie is going to get in the way because of this, I just know it all too well.

Buzz – Here's some advice Reva, don't do anything that I wouldn't do. Joshua deserves to know who his son is, all you need to do is support your husband. See you around.

Buzz walks off as Reva looks on and mumbles through her mouth.

Reva - Sorry Buzz, but a lady must do what a lady must do to save her husband.




Joshua paced back and forth as the airplane that Dylan was in made its way into the airstrip. As someone who is meeting his son for the very first time, you could tell Joshua was nervous. All he wanted to do was hug the man and bring him into the family fold, but Joshua reminded himself not to push Dylan. This was all new for Dylan so Josh can't push him as he sees Tangie coming out of the terminal with other people and Joshua was confused. The first question in the back of his mind was, where's Dylan.

Tangie – Hey Joshua.

Joshua – Tangie, where is he? Where's our son?

Tangie – Dylan? Oh, he's on the way Josh, no need to worry. He just has a lot of stuff with him now.

Voice - Mom!? Wait up!

Tangie and Joshua see Dylan carrying his luggage before Joshua was the first one to walk up to him, in all smiles taking his luggage.

Dylan – Are you...

Joshua – My dad? Yes, I am your father Dylan as Death Vader would say from Star Wars. My name is Joshua.

Dylan – The name is Dylan, it's nice to meet you Josh.

Dylan pulls his father into a hug which Joshua accepted immediately.

Joshua – Welcome home son, welcome to Springfield. Call me dad.

Dylan – Thanks for the warm welcome...dad.

As they're hugging one another, Tangie, with her arms crossed smiles at the proud moment between them.

Tangie - *Sighs* Isn't that sweet? It's all coming together.




Pulling up to the restaurant in her car, Blake gets out and makes her way inside to meet up with Reva. As a private investigator, she had no problem helping anyone she cared about in this town even if it's Reva Shayne herself. Blake didn't have that many issues with Reva, but she sees some of herself in the feisty woman who's made an impact in her own life. Noticing Reva sitting at the table by herself, Blake expected to see Joshua with his wife, but something told the red head this had nothing to do with her husband.

Blake – Reva? You wanted to meet me here?

Reva smiled and got up before hugging Blake immediately which caused Blake to be a bit suspicious.

Reva – Oh thank god Blake you're here. I was starting to wonder if you weren't showing up.

Blake – I had to take care of some things Reva, but I did get your message. It sounded very urgent, where's Joshua?

Reva – He doesn't need to know ANYTHING about this Blake, it's between the two of us. I need your help investigating someone and...something.

Blake – What would those be?

Reva – Dylan Hill, Joshua's son.

Blake's jaw dropped a little bit, shocked for sure when she mentioned the name and Blake started to become a bit curious.

Blake – I am sorry, excuse me?

Reva – When the DNA test came back, it confirmed Dylan was the son of Josh Lewis. But something isn't right Blake....

Blake – You think the DNA test was corrupted?

Reva – Yes...and WE are going to find out the truth Blake. I don't think Dylan is Joshua's son and Tangie is just reaping the benefits of it all. Can you help me Blake or shall I ask...will you?

Blake thought of Reva's question and a grin suddenly appeared on her face.

Blake – Yes make some history and nail this witch to the wall.

Blake puts her hand out and Reva gleefully shakes it. Tangie, Dylan, and Joshua will never see this coming. She just hopes Joshua will understand because Reva didn't want her husband to be hurt after all this time because of some blonde home wrecker. Dylan on the other hand, she didn't know that much about, but he better not hurt Joshua or the people she cares about the most. Reva will not tolerate any foolishness from Dylan Hill himself.

Reva – Let's get to work then Blake, we've got a lot things solve.


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