Episode 10 - (The Bauer BBQ Part 5)

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Phillip and Blake were still trying to wrap their heads around the thought that their sons are in love with each other. Blake was scared out of her mind of what this could mean for her son, while Phillip was trying his best to not freak out, but the thought of Zach and Jason together made him worried of what could happen next.

Blake – "What are we going to do Phillip?"

Phillip – "Honestly Blake, I don't even know. We can't confront them head on or force them to admit what they're doing together"

Blake – "Look, maybe we should give it some time and then talk to them separately"

Ross – "Is everything okay over here?"

Blake and Phillip saw Ross walk up to them, giving Phillip an uneasy look. Putting his hands up, Phillip starts to walk away from Blake and Ross as the man doesn't want any trouble.

Phillip – "We'll talk later Blake, but you should update Ross on what's going on with our sons"

When Phillip was out of the picture, Ross states at him and looks back at Blake.

Ross – "What is he talking about Blake?"

Blake – "It's about.... Jason and Zach"



Leaving Ross and Blake, Phillip scratched his head and tried his best to move on from what he just heard from Blake. He loved Zach despite the differences they may have had before in the past, the man didn't want his son to make a mistake that could cost him. Approaching the table, Beth looks up at him and saw the concerned look on her husband's face.

Beth – "You okay hun?"

Phillip – "Not exactly"

Beth – "Alright, what did you do this time?"

Phillip – "Nothing Beth, it's not about me.... it's Zach"

Beth – "What about him?"

Phillip – "Blake informed me that she saw him and Jason in bed together.... kissing"

Beth – "You're...you're kidding right? When did this happen?"

Phillip – "Just now. Blake was looking for Jason since most of the food was ready and then...."

Beth – "She found them in bed.... wow"

Phillip – "Where's Zach? I'm going to have to speak to him about this, it's very important"

Beth – "Hold on Phillip, give Zach some time and space. Today isn't the day for a confrontation where you two are working on your relationship, besides I saw Zach was helping set up games for everyone"

Phillip – "You're right Beth...I just hope Zach knows what he's getting himself into"



Bill was at the food section gathering Little HB's plate as he looked back at his son who's sitting with Billy and Vanessa playing video games. The little one was obviously not in the mood when Bill was trying to get him involved in some of the other physical games, but the kid wasn't up for it. Returning to the table, Bill placed the food near his son.

Bill – "Hey kiddo, are you hungry? I brought you some food to eat and then maybe if you want, we could get you changed into her swim trunks then go swimming?"

Little HB – "Okay daddy"

Little HB, ignoring his father a little bit starts to eat his food before Bill sighed. Billy and Vanessa noticed that as well before Billy started to change the subject.

Billy – "So son....is there any news on that person you were looking for?"

Bill – "Who?"

Billy – "Oh you know that person that was missing a while back"

Bill – "Oh you mean.....no, there hasn't been any word on her dad?"

Billy – "Were so sorry son"

Bill – "Don't be sorry dad. I am starting to lose hope myself after what has happened these past couple of months"

Vanessa – "Bill, it's hard right now son but things could change-"

Bill – "Mom please...I don't mean to cut you off but how many times do I have to wait for official word? She's not coming back at all"

Bill's cell phone rang before he took it out and pressed the accept button as he heard the other voice on the line.

Bill – "Hello...yes.... what? Are you sure about this...oh my god....I will be there in a little bit. Keep me informed of what happens next. Thanks"

Bill ends the call and looks at Billy and Vanessa.

Vanessa – "What's wrong son?"

Bill – "It's Lizzie mom, they found her....I got to go and bring Phillip with me. Stay with Little HB please? I'll keep you updated"

Billy and Vanessa were shocked to hear of Lizzie possibly being found at the same time. Bill immediately raced over to where Phillip was at and told him what happened, so the two of them along with Beth, James, left the Bauer House. Little HB who noticed his father was gone wondered where he was, but Billy and Vanessa told him his father had to take care of some things.


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