Episode 5 - (Bauer BBQ/4th Of July Edition)

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Vanessa was under the hot seat right now and everyone from Joshua, Reva, Billy, Bill, Lizzie, Frank and even Michael were all looking at her now that Michael outed Vanessa. She couldn't believe that Michael was playing this dangerous game in front of her family and friends, heck, everyone at the Bauer BBQ was seeing this. Some were moving on and focusing on having more fun, but this was now the talk of the town so to speak. Everyone was going to mention it to each other when they go out, when they visit one another or have a beer together. There was nothing but juicy gossip to sip your tea on from time to time and mostly what goes in other towns around Springfield, is gossip and you can't do anything to stop it. Michael had a mixed reaction on his face, one, he didn't like that Vanessa had to confess what she knew. Number two, Vanessa should know better than to judge her friend after what the two of them went through together. There was nowhere to run or hide for Vanessa, who had a guilty look on her face.

Billy - "This joke of a doctor is lying through his own teeth Vanessa, don't listen to him. The only thing he wants is attention"

Michael - "Oh, so you don't believe me? Are you going to believe your wife when she tells the truth?"

Billy - "What truth? We already know about Tony and Coop so there's that"

Bill - "Why are we even listening to this guy? You're a fraud Burke, I don't know what you saw in my mother but don't try to use her in your sick game"

Michael - "Whether you all want to believe me or not, I am not the one keeping a secret here. Don't believe me, ask her, ask Vanessa! She's kept this from the two of you that includes your grandson"

Lizzie - "Keep our son's name out of your mouth Michael"

Michael - "Don't blame me, blame your mother in law"

Vanessa - "That's ENOUGH Michael! You want the truth, you wall want the truth then fine, you're going to get it now"

Vanessa was frustrated and upset with Michael's tricks, his games he was about to play with others. This man has the nerve, the gall, the grapefruits to mention Little HB as she looked over at her grandson who was a little frightened but at the same time strong in a way, he wasn't afraid of Michael Burke.

Vanessa- "He's right Billy...Michael was at our home a couple of weeks ago"

Billy - "He was what!? In our home Vanessa!? When was this!?""

Vanessa - "You didn't let me finish Billy. Michael came into our home a couple of weeks ago, as it was the same day that not only you were gone to run errands....but little HB was in our home when Bill and Lizzie dropped him off before they went to work...so we could watch him for the day"

Bill and Lizzie were shocked, even Bill was starting to get angry from what he just heard. He couldn't understand how her mother let this son of a bitch in her home when she was supposed to be watching Little HB.

Lizzie - "You...you did what Vanessa!?"

Bill - "Mom, you...you almost let that maniac near your grandson, near our so!? What were you thinking!?"

Michael - "Relax little Bill and Lizzie, I wasn't there to hurt your son if that's what you two are thinking. I was only there to see your mother, not to even hurt her too. That's all it was"

Vanessa - "Michael, what was the point of doing all what you just did?"

Michael - "What was the point? Simple? To show you that after all of these years the people in your family and friends are conniving liars, hypocrites, people you can't trust. They really don't have your back, they'll actually stab you in the back"

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