Guiding Light Promo Season 3

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Announcer: This season on Guiding Light......

Ed holds a picture of Bertha Bauer in his hands as he smiled.

Ed – "I wish you were here with us mother. It hasn't always been easy, but this town is still standing surprisingly"

Billy has an envelope in his hands as Joshua, Reva, Tangie and Vanessa look.

Tangie – "Is that?"

Billy – "These are the results of the DNA test"

Reva – "Well let's get it over with, is Joshua the father of Tangie's son or not?"

In the living room of the Spaulding mansion, Zach and Jason are holding hands as Phillip, Beth, Ross, Blake, Clarissa, Kevin, Jude, Buzz, and Lillian are waiting for them to say something.

Blake – "Why are the two of you holding hands?"

Ross – "Wait a minute, is something going on that we don't know about?"

Phillip – "I was about to ask the same thing"

Zach – "We have important news to tell you guys. Right Jason?"

Jason – "He's right, but please understand and just listen to us first before all hell brakes loose"

Alan-Michael stands in Phillip's office at Spaulding/Lewis Enterprises, smug as ever, while Phillip remained uneasy while watching him.

Alan-Michael – "And when it happens, you'll be thrown out of here so fast Phillip-"

Phillip – "Just cut the small talk will ya and just get it over with. What do you want?"

Alan-Michael – "What do I want? The company, THAT'S what I want big brother!"

Annie hears the door open to the room and Doctor Janet Martin walks in.

Janet – "Well Annie, I have news for you today"

Annie – "What kind of news?"

Janet – "It's based on my evaluation for your release"

Annie – "Are you saying that I am about to be a free woman?"

Mindy walks upstairs to the bedroom and sees another woman across the room who has her back to Mindy while Rick was lying in bed.

Mindy –*Glares at Rick* "What the hell is this, Rick?"

Rick – "Mindy it's not what you think"

Mindy – "Then tell me Rick because if this is your definition of payback, you got another thing coming"

In his penthouse, Edmund was drinking a glass of port and wasn't paying attention until someone grabbed him from behind.

Edmund – "Ahhh! What the hell!?"

Voice – "Shhh.... don't even make a sound Winslow"

Edmund – "Who are you.... what...wait, Shayne?!"

Announcer: All of this and more as Guiding Light returns for its third season and celebrating their 85th anniversary, ONLY on Wattpad!

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