Episode 26 - (Part 3/February Sweeps)

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Spaulding-Lewis Enterprises

In the board room of the company, Lizzie, Bill, Olivia, Natalia, James, Beth, Phillip, Jonathan, Alexandra, etc were sitting at the table and waiting the arrival of Alan-Michael Spaulding. The reason why all these people are here today is because it was the big day, the day where the future of Spaulding-Lewis Enterprise was going to be decided. If Alan-Michael hadn't come back into town and thrown his threats around here or there, then this wouldn't happen. But Lizzie and Bill were confident that all will go according to plan unless Alan-Michael has an ace up his sleeve but they could do this and not worry about Alan-Michael again. But would Alan-Michael stop once this is done and over with? Who knows? One thing was for sure, whatever happened after this meeting, the company may never be the same again. Bill was slowly pacing back and forth in the room thinking of what could happen while Lizzie, Bill's wife noticed. Lizzie knew how much Bill wanted to end this silly thing with her uncle. Zach, since this was his first day, was filling out each small cup with water that he was pouring from the pitch that he's holding. Feeling a little bored, Zach finished what he did and gave each cup of water to all until he stopped at Bill.

Zach - "Here you go Bill"

Bill - "Thanks Zach but I don't know if water's going to cure the nerves I got"

Lizzie - "Are you alright?"

Lizzie stands up and walks over to Bill before she puts her hands on Bill's shoulders to get him to stop pacing back and forth in the room. She didn't want to see her husband start to spiral out of control.

Lizzie - "Hey, it's me Bill, you know you can talk to me"

Bill - "I don't want anything to go wrong for this Lizzie. We've prepared ourselves for this moment, I mean what if we let everybody down?"

Lizzie - "We won't, I am confident in that Bill, you and I, were a part of the Lewis-Spaulding families. Even in defeat were too stubborn to give up and quit"

Bill - "You're right Lizzie...well I hope you are. Losing to your uncle would not be bad but just embarrassing, you uncle is someone I can't stand"

Lizzie - "Join the club, for the moment he's been getting on my nerves. But at least we got rid of those stockholders who tried to infiltrate the company"

Bill - "Speaking of Alan-Michael...where is he?"

Lizzie looked at her watch and noticed that it was time to start the stockholders meeting. Why wasn't he here? Where is Alan-Michael Spaulding for the meeting that he was starting to waste other's people time on?

Lizzie - "Zach, do me a favor, check the lobby to see if my uncle is here. It's about that time for us to begin the meeting"

Zach - "I'm on my way there right now"

Zach leaves the room while others in the board room are chatting, some are on the phone talking to others, just waiting for Alan-Michael to make his presence. If there's one thing that all of the Spaulding's knew of Alan-Michael, he likes to make an entrance his own way and not the way of his father or the people before Alan Spaulding. But this time he was unpredictable of what he could do next, as Zach walked down the hallway towards lobby. There was no sight of Alan-Michael or anything of him which was weird, so Zach asked the receptionist if she's seen Alan-Michael and the receptionist told him no. Shaking his head, he leaves the lobby and started to look around before he noticed a body lying near the elevators of the floor for the building. Zach felt a creepy shiver up his spine as he slowly walks up to the body that's on the floor and stopped dead in his tracks. Unsure of what to do, Zach used his foot to slowly move the body over but to his surprise it was Alan-Michael Spaulding with a blood pouring from his body. The man wasn't moving but had a knife in his stomach, as it was clear the man was stabbed by someone in the building or someone in Springfield. Zach immediately runs back to the board room in fear of what could happen next, he had to tell the others what just happened.

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