Preview For Guiding Light Season 2

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Here are the previews as Head Writer, Nathaniel Banks, tells us what to expect when it comes to the second season of Guiding Light:

Reva/Joshua - "Recovering from the injuries she suffered at the hands of the Ultimate Force when rescuing her son last fall, Joshua and Reva find out someone who has history with them is back. It's someone who hasn't forgotten what the two did to this person back in the day. Then you have someone else who's not done with Reva and once again Joshua may have to fight for Reva again "

Phillip/Beth - "With Lizzie still missing, Phillip realizes that depending on whether Alan-Michael's condition changes or not, he'll need to take action to protect Spaulding-Lewis Enterprises. Beth may not like what Phillip does next but she'll try her best to support him. What happens next between them will test their relationship, and their marriage"

Rick/Mindy - "Still feeling guilt from carrying on the affair with Andy Dixon from As The World Turns, Mindy knows she has to stop this from getting out of hand or Rick will somehow find out. A former flame or hers returns and she'll need his help to put an end to Sonni's scheming, but could it lead to something else between Mindy and this former flame? How will Rick react when he finds out his wife has been cheating on him while recovering from his own attack months ago?"

Holly/Ed - "Sebastian Houlce continues to be a wanted man these days in Springfield due to his connection with the Ultimate Force. Holly and Ed both know how dangerous he could be, but when a tragedy occurs in the next couple of months for the Bauer family, Holly will have to act fast. What is this new tragedy for Ed, Holly and the Bauer family? That's something you'll have to wait and see but Sebastian will play a huge part in this that will have Holly wanting to do anything to protect her husband including the Bauer's"

Ross/Blake - "Getting to know his family and friends again, Ross wants to continue where he left off but work as an attorney but also spending more time with the kids and Blake. When he finds out everything about his 'passing' all those years ago because of certain people whom he considered family, friends, Ross questions who could he still be loyal too. Of course there's his family but he realizes that things are not the same in Springfield. Blake will continue to stand by Ross and support him, but when Ross finds out the truth of his death, she's worried of what he'll do next"

Shayne/Marina - "Shayne has been arrested and placed under house arrest until trail, that is if Alan-Michael wakes up and confirms that Shayne tried to stab him. For now, Marina and the rest of the gang of Harley's Angels are going to clear Shayne's name. Hopefully though what she or the rest of the angels do, doesn't come into conflict with any of the Salem Police Department...which likely will. Meanwhile Shayne will feel restless and wanting to do something to clear his name but knows the consequences if leaves his home with Marina"

Mallet/Dinah - "Dinah tries to do all she can to help her friend out from getting busted of a crime Shayne didn't commit, but Mallet's not going to like Dinah sticking her nose where it doesn't belong. But Dinah is headstrong, stubborn like a bull in a china shop, she won't stop until Shayne's clear from this farce of a crime that he didn't commit. So expect a lot of fireworks between the two f them when Mallet gets hints from someone of what his wife and Harley's Angels are up to"

Danny/Michelle - "For the longest, Danny and Michelle have stayed together through the good and the bad, especially in the old days when they first met before falling in love. Now, they have two children, one is entering college while the other one is in high school. Due to current events going on in Springfield, Danny and Michelle will find themselves protecting each other, but also their kids as well. Since he stepped away from the mom, Danny hasn't gone back into violence but now he may not have a choice to where Michelle may feel he's being pulled back into the action"

Frank/Eleni - "One of Eleni's relatives comes to Springfield for more than a visit which has Frank worried in a way. He's the Chief Of Police for Springfield and the town is still going through a lot, he's trying to manage everything despite having support from the station. And now here comes this person, Eleni's cousin, who has an agenda of his own, as Eleni is starting to wonder if he could have any connections to some of Springfield's biggest criminals who are wanted right now"

Buzz/Lillian - "Twelve years ago, Buzz and Lillian married, as all was right in the world for them both. After their constant relationships, marriages that ended in divorce or death, the two were finally happy and still in love. But when someone from Buzz's past comes back into his life, Buzz will need Lillian's support more than ever when this turns into some kind of new mystery for them both to look into, but it may be more than they bargained for"

Coop/Ashley - "In the upcoming Springfield FD series, you'll get to see how Coop becomes a part of the Springfield Fire Department. It won't be easy for him, that's all I will say about that. Ashley supports Coop and so does his family but of course there's always that fear of danger as a fireman that can happen anytime they're out in the field. They'll still have their own storylines separate from Springfield FD, what are they? Stay tune and find out"

Fletcher - "Losing his wife will take a toll on Fletcher and the day of Alexandra's funeral, he can't take it anymore. He'll have to either stay and tough it out or leave Springfield to go somewhere else for the time being until he returns to Springfield. Either way, he'll run into someone else from his past who's having trouble of her own and will need Fletcher's help. This will keep him going and moving forward from Alexandra's past and he won't even stick around for the will reading"

Jason/Kevin/Clarissa/Zach/Jude/Maureen/Robbie - "From meeting each other last year, the six of these college students will experience more than just college life. Most of them will fall in love with other students that they're attracted too, but they'll also experience that life in college is not easy as they think it is"

Leah: "For the daughter of Rick Bauer and Mel Boudreau, she'll be in love story when a patient of the hospital has amnesia and it's up to Leah to help the person find the way back to her memories. As for who the person is? Can't tell you, wait and see what happens next on Guiding Light"

OOC: Credit goes to SoapT06 for making the custom opening.

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