Episode 10

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Cross Creek

Checking around Cross Creek for one last time, everything to Reva looked clean and spotless as she nodded in approval. Today Joshua and Reva's daughter, their baby girl in Mara Lewis (Lindsey McKeon) was coming back to Springfield after she left for Paris a long time ago. The two at times would speak to their daughter during the days where Marah would tell them about what was going on in her life, how she was enjoying her time in Paris and how she was enjoying life...as a mother. Yes, Mara Lewis became a mother when she gave birth to a little girl named Evelyn Michelle Lewis, in honor of her best friend in Michelle Bauer. Last year she came to the world after the previous year Marah was pregnant and got to enjoy the experience when it all happened. So that was another reason why they were excited to see her and their granddaughter. Sitting down on the couch, Reva waited for her daughter to ring the doorbell, that's when Joshua came into the room with Colin playing airplane together. Reva smiles as Joshua puts Colin down who runs up to her mother before he's pulled into a hug by Reva.

Reva - "And are you excited to see your big sister Colin?

Colin- "Yes...when is Marah coming home?"

Reva - "She should be here any minute sweetie, we just need to wait for her to come home"

Joshua - *Sits down next to Colin and Reva* "Before this little one got my attention, I spoke to Shayne on the phone. He's at the airport waiting for Marah so that he can pick her up and take her to come here"

Reva - "I can't believe this is happening Joshua, both of our children are going to be home. All of the kids are going to be under one roof...it feels like a long time coming"

Joshua - "I remember the day when Mara and Shayne would always want the two of us to be together. Even when we were not together, the kids never gave up...Mara more than Shayne to be exact"

Reva - "Yeah...and when we didn't reunite thirteen years ago, they were devastated.We both moved onto other relationships at that time but we came back to each other...like always"

Joshua - *Chuckles* - "I guess what it shows is basically true love never dies, even when it's all said and done if things don't go the way it should"

Reva - "Well let's never break up and make up anymore, that's no fun. What's really fun is what'll happen later on between the two of us" *Winks*"

Joshua caught the wink his wife gave to her husband causing the man to be intrigued by what happens next.

Joshua - "Oh really? As long as you let me take good care of you for the evening, I don't think that i'll be a problem"

Reva - "Mmmhmm...now you're talking big boy"

Joshua and Reva are about to lean for a kiss at the same time until the doorbell rings. Colin immediately runs for the door causing Joshua and Reva to get up from the couch.

Collin - "I'll get it!"

Reva - "Slow down Colin!"

Stopping at the door Colin immediately opens it and there she is, Marah Lewis with her daughter Evelyn in her baby stroller. Along with her was Marah's brother Shayne who had Henry in one arm, then in the other arm was Mara's luggage.

Reva - *Smiles* "There she is!"

Joshua - *Smiles* "She's finally here, what took you so long Marah?"

Marah - *Grins* "Funny you say that , it's almost like I never left at all"

Marah hugged both of her parents at the same time, glad to see them after all that time of being away. She did visit her family during the holidays but it didn't feel the same when Marah left. There was always the temptation to go back to Springfield full time but of course, Marah held back.

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