Find Your Light - Episode 2

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Springfield Police Department

They just showed up at the police station as Joshua got out of his truck before helping Reva out and placing her in the wheelchair when he carried her into it. The two of them just heard of Shayne's arrest from Frank when he called Joshua to let him know what's going on. Joshua was at work so he dropped everything, then he went to Cedars Hospital to get Reva since she was in the middle of rehab during her appointment with the physical therapist. Luckily she was just about done because when he told Reva about Shayne's arrest and the main reason, Reva was pissed. Both knew their son wasn't some murderer and he wouldn't kill anyone unless he had good reason too, even if that person is Alan-Michael Spaulding. Joshua and Reva heard everything of what that man was doing to Bill and Lizzie company wise, but they couldn't imagine Shayne getting involved. Maybe Shayne had to see Bill before the meeting started, but ignored Alan-Michael Spaulding along the way before he came in or maybe Alan-Michael tripped on a knife? They had to be there for Shayne and support him through this ordeal. Joshua grabbed the wheelchair and started to push Reva before together they went inside the station immediately seeing Frank speaking with Mallet.

Reva - "Frank...Frank!?"

Frank and Mallet heard Reva as they see her with Joshua before the two of them walk up to Shayne's parents. Frank didn't like to be the one that does stuff like this, but Reva and Joshua deserve the right answers at the end of the day.

Joshua - "We just got the call, what's going on with Shayne?"

Reva - "And what's this that he killed Alan-Michael Spaulding? Our son may be many things but he's not a killer"

Mallet - "The fingerprints and the DNA we got from the knife, the blood matches Shayne. We made sure and double checked"

Joshua - "And there wasn't anyone else at the scene of the crime when this happened?"

Frank - "All Shayne told us was that he was at Lewis Energy the day it took place but what our CSI's found proved otherwise"

Reva - "How's Marina? She knows right?"

Frank - "She does, Mallet called me when we were all at Company's saying goodbye to Harley and Gus. I told Marina and she didn't take it well first, though I haven't spoken to her which it something that needs to be taken care of"

Reva - "And are you sure it's Shayne? This sounds too good to be true Frank, you know Shayne, he would never do anything like this on purpose"

Frank's cell phone went off before he could answer before he could say anything else. Taking it out he held up one finger when the top cop saw the caller ID.

Frank - "I'm sorry Joshua and Reva, excuse me for one moment. This is Frank...Bill slow down...what happened? Oh god...okay just hang tight and someone will be there for you, I will make sure the coast guard is there with you too...stay strong okay? Bye"

Frank ends the call as he shakes his head. Now more stuff is taking place and none of it was good, but this just had to be on a day like this where everything was going on, isn't it?

Mallet - "Everything alright Frank?"

Frank - "No, that was Bill calling and he just got in an incident when a truck crashed into his car. It sent him off the bridge, Lizzie, Sarah and their son were in the car"

Reva - "Oh no...little HB was in there too and Jonathan...he's going to be devastated. Does he know?"

Frank - "Sarah and HB are headed to Cedar's Hospital just now so they should be in the best of care Reva. I'm sure Jonathan's been alerted already about this"

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