Episode 15

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Dean's Garage

Look at his text as he was leaving the SPD on his lunch break, it was from Dean wanting to meet up with him at the garage so they could talk. Remembering the conversation he had with his mother earlier in the day, Rafe replied and told Dean he would meet him there. Maybe if Rafe was lucky Dean would have food in the fridge since Rafe wasn't in the mood to have anything from Company's for the day. Getting in his car and driving to Dean's garage, Rafe thought about what he was going to say and how Dean would react to what he's doing. And if you're asking yourself what or huh, it's about Rafe requestng help from David Grant about who Dean was. Rafe could magne Dean getting upset with Rafe but if only he would hear him out and explain his reasons, Dean can understand. They had a bad falling out at the Bauer BBQ, Rafe didn't want to have another bad falling out with Dean where the two of them are no longer speaking so hopefully today will be better. Pulling up to the garage, Dean parked his car on the side of the road and saw Rafe sitting in a car eating his lunch before he got out.

Rafe - "Hey Dean"

Dean nods and smiles.

Dean - "Hey kd, what's going on with you?"

Rafe - "Nothing much, I got your text by the way and immediately thought you wanted to knock me out still"

Dean chuckled before shaking his head

Dean - "Nah man, come in peace and just wanted to talk to you about what happened at the Bauer BBQ"

Rafe - "Really? I actually wanted to speak to you about that as well but thought it would be better to give you some space Dean"

Dean - "Nothing wrong with that, at least you were respecting my space, don't blame you for doing that Rafe. Pull up a chair and have a seat"

Rafe nods before he finds a char and grabs it, dragging it next to Dean's seat. Setting it right next to Dean, he sits down before leaning back in the chair.

Rafe - "Alright, shoot, i'm on my lunch break so I got time"

Dean - "I want to apologize for how it went off on you and the scene I made at the Bauer BBQ. Obviously I felt embarrassed and upset by Rafe, because despite hearing your reasons, you could have been honest with me. It didn't matter to me at first when I first came here, but then your mom and Harley fainted and then I had that episode"

Rafe - "Yes, and I am sorry for putting you through that. If I was upfront and honest in the beginning with you Dean, you wouldn't have experienced that moment"

Dean - "About me looking like your dad? Finding what would happen if they recognized me?"

Rafe - "Yeah...it blew up in my face and ever since then I had a lot of regrets Dean. I'm sorry for what I did"

Dean - "Apology accepted Rafe, you don't have to worry about it anymore. And from talking to Harley, who's one hell of a woman she even knows you're heart was in the right place"

Rafe smiled when he mentioned Harley. So the two of them must of met sometime after the Bauer BBQ or maybe before that, who knows really.

Rafe - "I see you met Harley huh?"

Dean - "Yes I did Rafe and she's an all american kind of girl. She's like a tom boy too now that I think of it, she can hang with the big boys and is definitely no push over. But Harley is a very nice person"

Rafe - "She helped me out of a lot of jams when I was just a teenager coming into town with mom. If it wasn't for her, I would be in jail for the rest of my life"

Dean - "Harley mentioned she bailed out yin those jams, despite not telling me all of them"

Rafe - "Eh...I don't think you want to know what I did, it's kind of embarrassing"

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