Episode 8 - (The Bauer BBQ Part 3)

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The Bauer Residence

Mindy was at the front of the house welcoming people and guests in for the Bauer BBQ. Noticing Andy, who was finishing his rounds of checking out the safety of the event, was walking up to her. Mindy felt her heartbeat suddenly as she gulped but shook her head. She couldn't think of Andy like that since her husband was in the backyard, so Mindy just smiled when Andy approached her.

Andy – "Mindy, how are you doing?'

Mindy – "I'm doing good Andy and yourself?"

Andy – "I just finished my roaming around the house, and everything is safe. Do you know where your husband is?"

Mindy – "Why?"

Andy – "Just to tell him that everything here is safe"

Mindy – "Andy, you can't.... we can't..."

Andy – "We can't..."

Mindy – "We can't do this anymore Andy...I don't want Rick to find out"

In the middle of all of this, Leah was about to come out and tell Mindy that the food they made was ready. Seeing Mindy and Andy, Leah stopped noticing the two of them in a close moment as she just greeted people as they came in. But a part of her didn't like this at the same time, was Mindy feeling this guy or was it something else?



Room 1

Standing in front of the mirror, Tammy Winslow was dressed in her attire for the wedding as she wore a wedding dress that her mother bought. Today was the big day and the Bauer's agreed for Tammy and Jonathan to have their own wedding together at the Bauer BBQ. So, Jonathan was in one of the other rooms getting ready himself, but Tammy smiled, happy of what she saw with Cassie by her side.

Cassie – "You look so beautiful, so amazing"

Tammy – "Thanks mom. I'm glad to have you back for this special occasion you know?"

Cassie – "You're my daughter, if there was any place, I be right now it's with you. This is your big day to shine baby"

Tammy – "It sure is mom...." *sighs*

Cassie – "What's wrong Tammy?"

Tammy – "Daddy, he should be here right now with us. He should be here to celebrate my wedding with Jonathan and walking me down the aisle. But he's not here right now"

Cassie – "If he was, the man would be proud of the woman you've become Tammy Winslow. He loved you like a daughter even if you weren't his biological child....he knows"

Tammy smiled before hugging Cassie as the two women shared a moment. The door opened before Reva greeted the two of them then congratulated Tammy on the wedding. Outside of the Bauer residence across the street, there was a man in the car with two other men dressed in black as he watched people come into the home and into the backyard.



Rick's Room

Zach Spaulding was pacing back and forth in the room right now after what just happened between him and Jason. The kiss they had was unexpected, but it did freak Zach out, he didn't know how to react, so the man needed a breather to process all of this. Hearing a knock on the door Zach saw Jason come in as he glared at him.

Zach – "So you come in and don't wait till I give you the word to come in?"

Jason – "Dude, I don't need your permission to come in. We need to talk about the kiss"

Zach – "Yes...we do"

Jason – "Zach look, i'm sorry for freaking you out like that but...I...I got feelings for you"

Zach – "Since when?"

Jason – "The first day we met at Springfield University. I mean you were the most handsome guy out there and to see you there all one was just.... a beautiful sight to see"

Zach barely blushed when Jason said all of that and especially at the end. Walking up to Jason, Zach kissed him as the two of them reignited what they started before. Without saying anything the two of them ended up in bed together still kissing one another as the door was still closed.... until it opened and Blake came in, speechless and shocked seeing her son and Zach in bed who saw her, embarrassed at the same time.


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