Episode 13 - (Winter Sweeps Part 2)

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Tulsa, Oklahoma

Jonathan walks down the steps of Hawk and Sarah's home as the man slowly approaches his father. Reva never wanted this to happened, so did Joshua and Richard too who just wanted to give his condolences before he left. Reva got in Jonathan's way before Joshua caught up with him so that a fight doesn't break out.

Reva – "Hold on Jonathan, were not going to do this today. Not after your grandfather's funeral honey"

Joshua – "She's right Jonathan, Richard was just leaving. Right Richard?"

Richard – "I'm not here to fight you son, I love you and l just wanted to- "

Jonathan – "Shut up dad, since you've returned, I haven't seen you and from what mom told me, a guy like you needed space. For what?"

Richard – "Well if your mother filled you in on my situation son, I am still clearing up everything with the FBI- "

Jonathan – "No, not that....me and Tammy. Are you afraid, embarrassed of two people who are in love with each other still?"

Richard – "Are you seriously going to ask me that? For the billionth time, you know where l stand when l returned. The woman is your cousin son, don't you understand?"

Jonathan – "And I still love her. We were SUPPOSED to have a family, we were SUPPOSED to have it all! Most of this would have been prevented if you hadn't faked your death in the first place!"

Richard – "You're right...maybe l shouldn't have come back, maybe I should have stayed away so you and Tammy can be happy together. You're free to do that Jonathan"

Tammy – "What's going on here?"




Leah with her arms crossed looks at Mindy and Andy, waiting for them still to answer her question. She knows there's trouble going on and she didn't want her father in the middle of it. Rick was still inside talking to Phillip and Beth, so it's a good thing that he wasn't here right now to see her daughter demanding the truth from them.

Mindy – "Oh Leah, I thought you were going to the bathroom"

Leah – "I didn't feel like going.... anyway, my question I asked earlier... what's going on?"

Andy – "You know what? I'm going to head back inside; the funeral should be starting right now. I'll see you later Mindy, it was good seeing you too Leah"

Andy walks inside the church while Leah gets up close and personal to Mindy, narrowing her eyes at her father's wife.

Mindy – "Is something wrong Leah? Is your dad, okay?"

Leah – "You're hiding something Mindy and l don't know what it is, but hopefully it won't affect dad. If so, you answer to me"

Mindy – "Whatever is going on between your father and l is between us, no one else, not even you Leah"

Leah – "When it's my father, it is my business Mindy.... remember that. But also remember what l just told you...."




James wiped the tears away from his eyes as the man was in the restroom, finishing crying before the service begins. Of course, he used one of the stalls but at the same time couldn't contain himself and cried silently so that no one hears him. James didn't want Daisy to see him like this, he had to be strong for her and his family as James's phone rings.

James - *Sighs* "Right now? Seriously?"

James, after he threw the tissue away took out his phone and saw the 'unknown caller ID' on the screen which annoyed him before he answered.

James – "Who is this?"

Voice – "James? Is this you? Thank god"

James – "Who the hell is this?"

Voice – "What do you mean who the hell this is? It's your sister, it's me, Lizzie!"

James – "Huh? Let me guess, another prank caller huh?"

Voice – "James listen; you have to get dad or anyone else to help me. I'm stuck here at this cabin, please hurry-oh my god.... James hurry!"

Before James could say anything else, he heard the line on the other end go dead. Was that really his sister or sick prank from someone else in Springfield? Remembering the time of the service, James shrugged his shoulders, shook his head and left the restroom. But as he did, someone knocks him out from behind as that person leaves without checking on James.


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