Episode 1 - (The Season 2 Premier)

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Standing on a boat and waiting for one of the scuba divers to come out of the ocean to see if there was any sight of Lizzie, Bill crossed his arms, waiting almost impatiently. Months passed by after the incident and Bill wasn't taking Lizzie's disappearance very well. When he was in the hospital with everyone else after seeing his son and Sarah, Remy and Mallet told him that there was nothing. The only thing they had were the items of Lizzie that was shown to Bill at the sight and ever since that moment, Bill would look at them after putting Henry to sleep at night or when Bill was alone at the office Lewis-Spaulding Enterprises to keep himself busy, just to know that he wasn't alone. Hearing Lizzie's voice mail message after the sound of the beep was comforting to him in a way, but it wasn't the real thing. He wanted his wife back for good, in the flesh, so that they could prepare themselves for the battle up ahead since Alan-Michael was still in a coma. He could come out of it at any point and when the man does indeed rise like a phoenix from the ashes, then Bill would need Lizzie's help to take him on again. When one of the scuba divers come back from searching the oceans and tell Bill they haven't found him, Bill started to get angry before his cell phone ring as he answers it.

Bill - "What do you want Phillip? We can't talk now, I am busy at the moment...Phillip look if this is....where are you again? You can't be here-"

Bill then sees Phillip standing on the side of the shore where Bill departed with the boat earlier. He frowned, not in the mood to see Phillip, knowing he was going to ask questions about Lizzie. Hearing more of Phillip on the phone, Bill sighed and nodded.

Bill - "Alright alright Phillip, we can meet and talk but let's not take too long. I got important things to do like looking for my wife, your daughter by the way"

Bill ended the call harshly and told the person in charge of the boat to head back to shore, but telling all of them that they weren't done yet. When the boat reached upon shore, it stopped before Bill walks down the stairs and approaches Phillip.

Bill - "This better be a good reason of interrupting me when I am trying to find your daughter"

Phillip - "I know what you're trying to do but if she doesn't come up or revealed somewhere that she's alive then there's no point to looking for her anymore"

Bill - "Phillip, please, if you don't have a good reason for calling me here then I need to get back to searching for my life. Now, what do want to speak with me about that's so important?"

Phillip - *Sighs* "It's Alan-Michael, I just visited his room the other day and Burke told me that he's starting to get stable, he may wake up soon"

Bill - *Rolls eyes* "Great, first this and now that bastard is starting to wake up again. Why can't he just die and leave us alone?"

Phillip - "It's not that simple Bill, when Alan-Michael wakes up we don't know what he's going to say or do, but for sure he'll be coming after you and the company. You're looking for my daughter and I appreciate that but I don't think you're in the right frame of mind now. So I got a solution of handling Alan-Michael"

Bill - "And what's that?"

Phillip - "Let's declare Lizzie dead, do the funeral, and then make me your Co-CEO of Spaulding-Lewis Enterprises...we take on Alan-Michael Spaulding together"

Bill's mouth dropped from hearing Phillip's idea which was indeed crazy, insane and stupid. From looking at Phillip though, he was dead serious and wasn't joking. He was all in on taking Alan-Michael on to prevent him from taking over Spaulding-Enterprise which would get run straight into the ground based on what Alan-Michael may have planned if he runs the company. Out of everything Bill has experienced in his life as a child into a grown up, from experiencing his parents breaking up, divorcing, getting back together, Vanessa's relationship with Matthew Reardon, marrying Lizzie and now possibly losing her, this was starting to be too much for Bill. And now Phillip wants to run Spaulding-Lewis Enterprises with Bill to go up against his brother? How in the world did Phillip think he has any chance with Bill when the man himself didn't want anything to do with the business when he came back to Springfield after everything thought he died all those years ago. He didn't want to be anything like Alan as Phillip saw first hand what the company did to his father and what it could do to Alan-Michael if he somehow gets his hands on everything. Now was the time for Bill and Phillip to put their differences aside so that they can be united on defeating Alan-Michael but will it happen? That's the question.

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