Episode 21 - (February Sweeps/Part 3)

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The Lewis Mansion

Coming back into the living room with two cups of tear on the trey, Shayne puts them down in the middle of the table while Reva and Marah were talking. Both came by to visit Shayne since he was still in home arrest custody until further noticed, but he didn't mind it since Shayne did more stuff around the house.

Shayne – "Here you go"

Reva – "Thank you Shayne"

Marah – "Thanks Shayne"

Shayne – "No problem, now, did I miss anything while I was in the kitchen?"

Reva – "You didn't miss a darn thing, except when the two of us were talking about your father being attacked thanks to the guy the SPD caught...then Tangie, an ex of your father showed up after"

Shayne – "Tangie?"

Reva – "Tangie Hill. She dated your father back in the day before they broke up, now Tangie's back in Springfield for whatever reason"

Marah – "Let me guess, she wants dad back and all to her lonely self-right?"

Reva – "Hopefully not Marah, but something tells me it's more important than that. She's hiding something and I plan on finding out what it is"

Shayne – "Just don't do anything you'll regret mom. She may need dad's help for another thing, so it's clear that she want him back"

Reva – "Anyway, how are you holding up Shayne? It's been nearly a year since that whole mess took place"

Shayne – "I'm holding up pretty well, despite being stuck here but there's the positives. Working at home, being there for Henry, spending time with my wife.... it's caused me to reevaluate my priorities in a way"

Marah – "That's good to hear but you should be cleared by now. There's no way you would stab Alan-Michael like that"

Shayne – "Well I'm just surprised he hasn't pressed charges against me, he must be looking into the situation himself. Maybe he knows something's off"

Reva was about to say something until her cell phone rings. Reva takes it out and looks at the ID seeing FBI Agent James Harrison as she looked puzzled before answering it.

Reva – "Hello? Agent Harrison, hello, how can I help you? Wait a minute.... HE wants to talk to me!?"

Shayne and Marah didn't know what was going on while Reva continued talking to the FBI agent over the phone. There was no telling how this is would go over for Reva who remembered all about that frantic encounter a couple of years ago when they were trying to rescue Colin. If it wasn't for one man, Reva wouldn't have been in a coma fighting for her life....one man who wanted to see her in Jeffrey O' Neil.



The Spaulding Mansion

Phillip, Bill, Beth, Lillian, Buzz, Daisy and James were talking amongst themselves while Cyrus was on his laptop going over the information Phillip told them of Alan-Michael coming by the home earlier when it came to Lizzie. Of course, most of them didn't believe Alan-Michael but they could only go by what Phillip told them. So, when Cyrus saw something on his laptop, he immediately looks up at the others before he spoke.

Cyrus – "Okay guys, I found the location of the texts sent from Lizzie"

Phillip – "Where Cyrus?"

Cyrus – "It's outside of Springfield located in Laurel Falls"

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