Episode 29

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Cross Creek

The current day was turning slowly into night as Joshua placed dinner outside of the cabin near the lake, putting two plates of food on the wooden table along with two glasses of their favorite wine. The entire day Joshua has been helping Reva move out of bed and get around the hose, doing all the best he can to make sure she was okay. After the whole thing with rescuing Colin and risking her own life in the process against the Ultimate Force, Reva went into a coma at the hospital as everyday felt so hopeless, but Joshua wasn't ready to throw in the towel, not even her own family. But the good thing was she came out it and survived, the only thing was that she got parlayed in one of her thighs when the bullet reached deeper. Thankfully the bullet was gone, Reva had to undergo therapy in order to get the strength back in her leg and thigh. Joshua felt immense guilt of what he did and he should but the man wasn't going to give up on Reva, even if she was mad by him as from what Joshua can see inside the cabin of Reva, she was okay but not all the way happy. Colin was upstairs in his bedroom after Reva read him a story so that got taken care of. Heading back inside the house Joshua cleared his throat before speaking.

Joshua - "Hey Reva, want me to take you outside near the lake? It's beautiful tonight"

Reva - "Eh, I think I will pass this time around Joshua, don't feel like going out there...in this"

Joshua - "Oh come on Reva, it'll be fun between the two of us. Nothing crazy wild or out of this world, just the two of us near the lake"

Reva thought of what Joshua was offering and at first while she couldn't do the one thing she wanted to do with her husband, it wouldn't actually hurt to at least get some fresh air on a night like this.

Reva - "Okay okay, we can do it then but what about dinner Joshua? Is it ready yet?"

Joshua - "If you follow me I will have all the answers. First we'll need to get you in the wheelchair, then after that the surprise comes in"

Reva - "Won't lie but you have me intrigued Bud, are you trying to be my wing man?"

Joshua - "Aren't I already? You may not have any wings but for this one I don't believe you'll think about flying out of here tonight"

Reva wondered what Joshua meant by that before her husband got the wheelchair and helped her off the couch. Placing her in the wheelchair he put his hands on both handles before pushing her out of the main room to outside near the lake. Reva covered her mouth in shock of what he saw of their dinner on the wooden table alongside candles lit with the sounds of soft music in the background.

Reva - "Joshua, when did you have time to plan all of this. It looks so..."

Joshua - "Beautiful, magical, and every great word in the dictionary?"

Reva - "I was going to say this looks absolutely wonderful, but you didn't have to this Joshua. The effort is appreciated but again, you didn't have to do all of this"

Joshua - "Of course I did Reva, it's the best thing to do after what happened months ago. If things were different and there was no Ultimate Force..."

Reva - "Joshua no...it wasn't your fault or Jonathan's fault of me being in the wheelchair. This is all the Ultimate Force and that bastard Jeffrey's fault"

Reva started to get angry at the thought of her soon to be ex-husband's role in all of this. First he was a part of the good guys, now he was bad all the sudden or was he trying to play both sides without telling her? It was maddening when you think about all of it which landed Reva in the state she's in right now.

Joshua - "I know Reva, but the blame goes around which includes me. Before we left Springfield ten years ago we promised one another that nothing was going to hold us back, no more lies or no more secrets and it was broken because of me"

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