Episode 25 - (Part 2/February Sweeps)

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The Bauer Residence

In the kitchen along with Holly, Mindy and Leah, the three of them were getting ready and putting the food and drinks together for their guests. In the main living room Ed and Jude were making things comfortable for Rick who was sitting on the couch but still recovering from the attack he suffered in November of last year. He was still feeling some pain but it wasn't as big as it once was when he first came home from the hospital. The man was just thankful to be alive and thankful to be with his family and friends on this day where he can just enjoy life. Back in the kitchen though a busy Mindy, while she was cutting the avocado was thinking about that night when he slept with that man she met in the cabin. A night that wasn't supposed to take place at all if it wasn't for Sonni blackmailing the two of them. She wasn't in love with Andy or anything, it was just sex between them but how long was Mindy going to take until she cracks. Sonni wasn't going to stop with this and it was only a matter of time before what Mindy was doing would take place would be exposed. Maybe once this day was over, Mindy should tell Rick the truth but it had to be the perfect setting where it was no one else but them but not paying attention, she accident cuts herself.

Mindy - "Ouch!"

Mindy groaned in pain as she held her hand before Holly and Leah come up to her. Her cell phone started to buzz which could only mean one thing for who it was and came at the worst time on a day like this.

Leah - "Are you okay Mindy? What happened?"

Holly - "Did you hurt yourself?"

Mindy - "It's just a...it's just a little cut...that's all it is. I'll get the band aid kit and use one of the band aids for it"

Leah - "Are you sure you don't need any help with that Mindy?"

Holly - "I can give extra hand myself too Mindy. Is your phone ringing by the way?"

Mindy - "I SAID...I will get the band aid myself"

Leah and Holly were taken back by the harshness in tone when Molly said all of that. Realizing how bad she was coming off to the two of them who did nothing wrong to her. So immediately Mindy what she had to say next to make up to the two of them.

Mindy - "I'm...sorry...but it's okay, really, just a cut it all is. You guys can stay here and get everything else ready since were almost done. Again, sorry about that"

Mindy smiled a little bit before opened one of the cabinets and took out the first aid kit. Leaving the kitchen Holly and Leah wondered what was going on with her. Holly shrugged it off, going back to preparing everything else for their guests that was coming. Leah though felt like something was going on with Mindy, who went upstairs to Ed and Holly's bedroom before sitting down and taking out her cell phone before answering it.

Mindy - "Hello...Sonni listen, today is NOT the day for this. I don't want nothing to do with you, at least for now. Heck no I didn't enjoy the other night with Andy...yeah he was satisfying in bed but I was more disgusted in myself for letting it happen..."

Leah stood outside the bedroom and heard all of what Mindy said so far as she was shocked from hearing that Mindy Lewis Bauer, her step mother and the love of dad's life was cheating on him with another man. But why? Why was she doing this? Was this for the thrill of it or did she not mean to hurt Rick? And who was Rick speaking to on the phone? The man Mindy's sleeping with or someone else? Leah couldn't even think of who Sonni is, as she's never heard anyone named Sonni before in her life or maybe she was related to someone in town. Right now it didn't matter at this point, Mindy hurt her father and behind his back when he's been recovering for months after the attack. Shaking her head, Leah was upset and wasn't in the mood to play around anymore. There was the urge to go in there and bust Mindy right now but at the same time it would upset dad to know Mindy was sleeping behind his back. Also others besides family who were invited to the Superbowl Party. That would be humiliating not just for Mindy but also her dad too, maybe causing a set back in his recovery. She decided to choose the latter and keep quiet for herself as Mindy was still on the phone but this wasn't the end...oh no...this was just the beginning.

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