Episode 9 - (The Bauer BBQ Part 4)

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Rick Bauer's Room

Blake, who was still standing with her hand covering her mouth and still looking at her son and Zach in shock, couldn't say anything. Her son was gay, and she didn't know or get the heads up? Or that Jason is falling for Zach Spaulding? Out of all the people in town and her son had to smack his lips onto Phillip's son? Oh, hell no, she thought in her mind as Jason and Zach immediately got up from the bed before they started to talk.

Jason – "Mom, it's not what you think. You have to understand"

Zach – "Blake, please, like Jason said, it's not what you think. I'm not trying to use your son here"

Blake – "Uh...i'm...i'm sorry for interrupting. Everything is ready for the two of you and others for the barbecue. Just come on out when you're ready"

Blake left, still trying to take in what she just saw, seeing her son and Zach in bed together. It was a good thing the two of them were still clothes when she found them in bed because if not, Blake would have lost her damn cool. Zach and Jason both got up from the bed before they straightened themselves out and looked at one another.

Zach – "Jason I am....so so...."

Jason – "Don't apologize Zach, I was the one who initiated this. Can we talk about this another time Zach? Everyone has probably taken most of the food, let's just have fun and not focus on what happened between us now"

Zach – "You're right Jason, let's get out of here and enjoy the day. We'll talk about it another time but not today"




Phillip was laughing it up and chatting with Beth, Mindy, Rick, etc. at one of the tables, just talking about the good old days. After everything that's happened with Lizzie and other things, it felt good to just take his mind off other things even when it comes to family. What he didn't see coming, was Blake leaving the back of the house and stormed herself all the way up to Zach's father.

Blake – "Excuse me Phillip, but can I have a word with you please...NOW?"

Phillip – "Um...sure. I'll be right back guys, keep talking and having a good time okay?"

Phillip smiled before he got up and followed Blake to another part of the backyard where the two won't be heard that much through talking.

Phillip – "Okay Blake, what's wrong? And I know the look in your eye, something or someone pissed you off"

Blake – "Our sons?"

Phillip – "James and your sons?"

Blake – "Not them, Zach and Jason. The two of them...were in bed.... kissing one another"

Phillip – "They were what?"

Blake – "You heard Phillip; they were kissing nonstop. I was looking for Jason and was about to tell him it was time to eat and then...."

Phillip – "Our sons.... were in bed....and they kissed each other.... WOW"



Cedar's Hospital

In the room of one Alan-Michael Spaulding who remained in a coma after he was stabbed months ago, the nurse and the doctor were there checking his vitals. Hope, Alan-Michael's mother was sitting near her son and took his hand before she kissed the knuckles of it. She's been there almost every day since Hope returned to Springfield and hasn't left yet as Hope felt something in her hand move.

Hope – What the....?"

Hope looks up and saw Alan-Michael's eyes slowly opening, causing Hope to gasp in shock. This was the moment; her son was finally waking up she thought as she smiled.

Hope – "He's starting to come back to us....to me...that's it Alan-Michael. Your mom is here son, wake up for me"

The doctor and the nurse attend to Alan-Michael before one of them removes the plastic from his mouth. Alan-Michael coughs a little bit and then clears his throat.

Alan-Michael – "M....mo...mom? Where am I?"

Hope – "It's okay son, you're going to be alright, just don't move too much. The doctor and the nurse will continue to make sure you're good to go in Cedar's Hospital. The police are also investigating who stabbed you and will do everything they can do to find the animal responsible for nearly taking your life from us"

Alan-Michael wanted to say the name of the bastard who stabbed him, but he kept his mouth shut. He didn't have the strength though to tell his mother or anyone else right now who may want answers. At the same time though Alan-Michael was going to be smart about this and play right along. Everyone will know the truth about who stabbed him but now was now the time for it.


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