Episode 4

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Spaulding Mansion

Stepping out of her car before she parked it, Mindy looked up at the mansion and hoped her friend Beth was here because they had to talk. As we all know with the affair-relationship she was having with Andy, Mindy really needed some advice on how to handle this because Sonni may come to Springfield to expose the affair/blackmail that Andy and Mindy were subjected too. Mindy was even having some feelings toward Andy that she shouldn't be going through right now. Rick, who was recovering from the attack in November, didn't suspect anything from his wife but she noticed him asking certain questions at times when she would leave to have the affair with Andy. It wasn't right for Mindy to continue this affair between herself and Andy, it had to end, but what if Mindy wanted Andy all alone and Rick wasn't in the picture? Shaking her head, Mindy walks up to the front door before ringing the door bell and waited. Beth was going through her own personal hell when it came to Lizzie missing. If Mindy was a mom, her child missing, while acting like a damn fool with Andy, it would be a hot mess. As the door opened, Mindy saw Peyton at the other end before she smiled at Beth and Alan's daughter who ran up, then hugged her.

Peyton - "Aunt Mindy!"

Mindy - "Hey sweetie, how are you? Is your mom around?"

Peyton - "I'm good and yes, mom's in the living room. Hopefully you can cheer her up, she's been sad lately"

Mindy - "Your mom is just going through a tough time right now. I take it you heard about your sister-"

Peyton - *Looks down and sighs* "Missing? Yeah...mom and dad told me about that. It's just not the same without my sister"

Mindy - "It'll be okay Peyton, better days are coming ahead soon. Just be positive and believe that everything will turn out for the best. Now, show me where your mom is sweetheart"

Peyton nodded before leading her inside before Mindy closed the door behind her. Following Peyton, the two of them stop at the living room where Mindy saw Beth at the window with a drink in her hand, obviously thinking about Lizzie.

Mindy - "Beth?"

Beth turned around and smiled sadly though despite seeing one of her besties in Mindy. Walking away from the window, she hugs her friend who was glad to see her in return. Peyton ran upstairs to her room to do her homework while the two friends ended their hug.

Beth - "Hey Mindy, you know I could use your visit to help cheer me up a little"

Mindy - "Well I hope I am not intruding or interrupting you at the wrong time Beth. I just had to see you today"

Beth - "Of course Mindy, what's up?"

Mindy - "You might as well sit down for this one Beth, I really screwed up as of late and I don't know where to even begin"

Beth - "Oh...okay then"

Just when Beth and Mindy were about to sit down on the couch until the doorbell ringed. Beth had a confused look on her face while Mindy was about to tell Beth everything and felt frustrated deep inside.

Beth - "Stay right here Mindy, let me see who that is"

Beth got up and left the living room to go to the front door so that she can open it. To her shock, she saw Nick McHenry standing outside as Beth was speechless. The man who's brother Lujack, twin brother to be exact was back in not only Springfield but other peoples lives at the moment. Both him and Lujack had history with Beth, well mostly Lujack since the two of them were tog tether at one point before he died. Beth was devastated and missed her old flame, but when Nick came into the picture it was like LuJack all over again for her. She just didn't feel the same kind of love she had for him when it came to LuJack, so Beth moved on with her life. That would be too much for her to go through again since Phillip is the man she loves. Mindy out of curiosity stood up from the couch to see who was at the door but when she saw Nick, Mindy's jaw dropped and ironically she dropped her purse after approaching Nick and Beth. Nick being the gentlemen that he is, bends down before picking it up and then giving it to her. Smiling sheepishly, Mindy took the purse from her but was still silent in awe of her ex-husband back in town and back in her life, was it for good though?

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