Episode 2

15 1 0

The Park

Parking his car, Frank got out and saw Joshua and Phillip talking to each other after the call he got from Joshua. He overheard Blake talking earlier to herself about moving away from Springfield due to all the latest drama going on here in town. A part of him couldn't blame Blake of feeling that way since she wanted to protect her family especially Ross since he just came back. Forgetting about Blake for the time being Frank approached the two men so he can take care of this business.

Frank – "Joshua, Phillip"

Joshua – "Hey Frank, you got my call, correct?"

Frank – "Yes, I did, what happened Joshua?"

Joshua – "Well I was just out for a walk to clear my head until some gut pushed me off a tree and then he ran away"

Frank – "This happened just now?"

Joshua – "Yes"

Phillip – "Not only that but I was trying to deposit my check at the ATM and when I got out a red car almost ran me over"

Frank – "What did it look like?"

Phillip – "A red Porsche"

Frank – "Did you see anyone in it?"

Phillip – "No, I didn't but we think the person he ran into was responsible for what's been going on in Springfield"

Frank – "Who?"

Phillip – "The guy who went after Joshua, but then the one who drove the red porsche, they may be connected"

Frank – "What did he look like Joshua?"

Joshua – "I couldn't see what he looked like overall since the man was masked but it was just all black besides that"

Frank – "What about you Phillip? Have you seen the man or anyone else in the red Porsche?"

Phillip – "No but I like said, the two of them may be connected. It's something that should be looked into"

Joshua – "Hopefully the Springfield Police Department can nail these guys before anyone else hurts them"

Frank – "Trust me guys, we will, right now let's us handle it. We got this from here"

Joshua and Phillip nod before they leave as Frank starts to call his detectives to investigate the current situation. But this was the last thing he or anyone in this town wanted right now. With the Ultimate Force still a presence and already causing enough damage in this town, including the drama going on with these burglaries in town, the SPD was going to be very busy along with the FBI as well. If only things were simple in Springfield, but unfortunately they're not.



Lillian, Mindy Lewis meet up with Beth Raines as they enjoy a Italian lunch at its grand opening. The women notice Beth is a little off than usual..

Lillian, Mindy:

"Beth, are you ok?"


"No, last night somebody broke into our home and they tried to steal my passport of all things! This is very disturbing,


"Did you make a police report?"


"I was going to mom, but with all the chaos this town of ours has endured lately, I sadly can't trust anybody but our inner circle!"


"I have an idea on how to catch this robber, but we need to involve Rick are you ok with this?"

Beth gets antsy..

"Yes, but i cant go back home, i am going to stay at a hotel for now here is my key card only u can have it i got an extra in my purse!"




Claire was still drinking her current glass of beer but kept her head down due to the person that just came into the bar looking for her. Fletcher just kept his eyes on Claire, as he knew she was in trouble. Just from her body language, it showed him she still had things going on that he and others don't know about yet. The man who came here started to look around as Claire knew she was busted on what she owes the guy.

Fletcher – "What are you doing right now Claire?"

Claire – "Drinking my beer, what else Fletcher?"

Fletcher – "I don't recall you drinking any kind of beer until now. The taste of it would make you very sick"

Claire – "Well, somethings change, and somethings remain the same Fletcher, simple"

Fletcher – "Right, which means you're hiding something or someone. What's going on?"

Claire – "Nothing Fletcher"

Fletcher – "Nothing? Don't play games with me Claire, despite being happy and glad of running into you, somethings haven't changed at all"

Claire – "What do you mean?"

Fletcher – "You need my help with something, don't deny it"

Claire – "Fletcher, there's nothing for you to worry about, okay? I've got it handled from here on out"

Fletcher – "Oh you do? I would like to hear it Claire, what's your big plan hot shot? What do you have handled from here on out?"

Claire – "You know what, this is just a waste of time. I have tog go Fletcher; I am sorry of what you're going through currently, but you don't need this.... not from me of all people"

Voice – "Doctor Ramsey...."

Fletcher and Claire look up to see the man who was looking for Claire as she gulped, smiling a little bit but nervous as well.

Claire – "Hello there? Have we met?"

Man – "Time to go Ramsey"

The man grabs her arm before she takes her glass and smashes it on top of his head as he falls to the ground. Then Claire grabs Fletcher's hand before the doctor gets up immediately.

Claire – "Let's go!"

Fletcher – "Where are we going?"

Claire – "I said LET'S GO!"

Fletcher followed Claire as the two of them ran out of the bar while everyone who's there was shocked of what they saw. The only thing that matters is getting away from the guy from Claire's perspective and go somewhere safe. Fletcher still didn't know what trouble Claire caused but thanks to the man that made his presence, she did something to tick someone else off and maybe his boss. Speaking of the guy, he gets up and runs after them, briefly bumping into Harley and Gus, who showed up at the bar just to have a drink before he continues going after Fletcher & Claire.


(OOC: This episode was co-written by myself (NathanBanks757) and Will (PartyWill) )

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