Episode 18

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Cross Creek

After Mallet called her about Joshua being attacked, Reva got in her car and hurried her way over to Cross Creek. She was just out picking up some orders for dinner this evening since Reva didn't feel like cooking anything, but after everything was taken care of Reva heard of the situation, she started immediately blaming herself. Though the only bad news for her, when she arrived home and got out of the car, Reva burst through the door with bags of food in her hands.


Racing into the main living room, to her surprise, there was Joshua talking and getting comfortable with Tangie of all people. Both heard Reva coming through the door then the living room before she spoke.

Tangie – "Reva Shayne? Is that you? My my my, you haven't changed one bit"

Reva – "Joshua, are you alright?"

Joshua - *He gets up and hugs Reva before kissing her* "I'm alright Reva, just a little beaten up"

Reva – "Looks more than just beaten up. Mallet called me earlier about the attack, thank god you're okay"

Joshua – "I'm fine Reva, they were able to catch the guy who's been accused of attacking James Spaulding so he's down at the station"

Reva – "Good, hopefully they'll fry him in jail. But how did that SOB even get here? Wait *Looks and points at Tangie* "You...you must have led him here in OUR home!"

Tangie – "Do I look like I am dumb enough to put Joshua or your home in jeopardy? I just got back here Reva"

Reva – "Don't you play dumb with us Tangie!? Why are you even here after all this time?"

Tangie - *Smirks* "Well wouldn't you want to know. But since you asked, I have some business to take care of in Springfield"

Reva – "What kind of business?"

Tangie – "How about this? NONE of YA business"

Joshua – "Okay okay, that's enough Reva. Tangie was just here, and we were talking to one another, that's all it is"

Tangie – "Listen to your husband Reva Shayne Lewis, he's right. Anyway, I will leave you two alone, but it was nice seeing y'all again. Bye Joshua"

Reva – "GOODBYE Tangie, come on Joshua, let's get stitched up. We'll have dinner when were finished, then let Marah and Shayne know what happened"

Reva storms off into the kitchen to get the first aid kit, while Joshua smiles waving goodbye to Tangie after closing the door. Reva obviously wasn't happy with her husband being previously attacked. but also, now that one of his exes were back in town too. Following Reva to the kitchen, he didn't get any sense of her being behind his assault earlier, she was just here for a visit.



Gas Station

One half of police personnel surrounded the gas station while the other half was directing traffic with people coming in and out of the gas station to get gas. Tony and Marah were questioned by one of the officers as Danny pulled up and parked on the other side. Just as he was getting out, Tony and Marah both were finished being questioned.

Remy – "The two of you are free to go.... make sure to stay in town please just in case"

Tony and Marah sigh in relief before Tony notices his brother trying to get through to see him. The other officer wasn't letting him through as the pairing runs up to him.

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