Episode 9

16 1 0

Dean's Garage

Working on a motorcycle in the garage with the supplies he had in his hand, Dean looks up at the clock and realized it was time for his lunch break. Sighing, Dean took off his face mask and rubbed the sweat off of his face. Dean took off his gloves before he went to the fridge to get something to eat. Opening up the fridge, the man looked around and took out a sandwich, one he brought the other day from the local store. It had the kind of chicken he ate at the Bauer BBQ that happened on the 4th of July, a day Dean wanted to forget. That kid Rafe was a sneaky one to invite him there,  but what was he even thinking? Two women Dean didn't know fainted when he saw them the first time in his life, Rafe's mother Natalia, someone his father used to be with in the past. The other woman was also someone that had a past with Rafe's father too in Harley, but he didn't know her as well. Then came the moment when Dean broke down, his past memory of his time in the Marines caught him off guard as he couldn't take it anymore. He just hopes the two women were okay as Dean takes the sandwich out of the fridge before hearing a voice.

Harley - "Dean?"

Dean noticed the familiar blonde in Harley Cooper standing there and the look on her face, she was taking this all in. Taking in the sight of the man who looked at her husband, the sight of the man who she once loved and once married. The difference is, this man isn't her husband, he's someone else to her...or is he?

Dean - "Yeah, i'm Dean, Dean Frame. You're the woman who was at the Bauer BBQ weren't you?""

Harley - *Nods* "Yes, that was me, the name is Harley...sorry I gave you such a scare. I just...seeing the face of the man I once loved took me by surprise"

Dean - "Sorry for giving me such a scare? I should be the one apologizing to you Harley, you barely knew me and then you fainted. The other lady fainted and well...I had a lot of guilt like I did something very wrong"

Harley - "Don't beat yourself up Dean. I thought...I thought you were someone who left this world tragically due to a horrific incident"

Dean - "Let me guess...Gus Airtoro...your husband"

Harley slowly nods, surprised he knew but she guessed Rafe told him everything about his father. Putting his sandwich and drink on a table next to the refrigerator, Gus grabbed a towel to wipe his hands while looking at Harley.

Harley - "Yes, he was my husband Dean. We were together for a long time before we divorced, that's when Natlia and Rafe came back into Gus's life. Before he came to Springfield, Natalia and Gus were together. They had Rafe, Gus left Natalia for whatever reason but he didn't know about his son until she returned with Rafe"

Dean - "Sounds very complication if you ask me. I bet that was even complicated for you, you know? To have your husband's ex-wfie come back after all of these years...talk about awkward"

Harley - "It was... *sigh*...one thing lead to another after that. We broke up, divorced, then the rest was history. Gus and I remained friends until he...until he died tragically on a day I wish I could forget"

Dean - "Um...if I may ask Harley...and you don't have to answer this...but how did he die?"

Harley was about to answer his question but hesitated, not wanting to remember the day she heard of her husband's death. Harley was at Gus's bedside at Cedar's, just wanting him to open his eyes, to come back to her so they could be together again...but no, he wasn't going to make it out of there alive. It made her emotional and almost like she wanted to cry. Dean immediately threw the towel on the table and immediately walks up to her. Putting his hands on her arms, Harley looked up at Dean and noticed Dean had the same eyes, the same look that Gus had whenever Harley was hurt. All of it was too surreal for her, but he couldn't be Gus, right? She didn't want to get her hopes up after everything she's been through in her life.

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