Episode 8 - (The Bauer BBQ/Part 2)

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Fletcher was still trying to absorb what Claire just told him about his stepson in Ben, the son he called his own the first day Fletcher met the child who met his demise as an adult. He died due to his own crimes that he committed and paid for it by almost taking Marina Cooper Lewis's life back then. But Ben's alive and Fletcher is finding out about this now when things took a turn for worse? He's finding out from Claire when they're in the middle of possibly being killed because of this madness.

Fletcher – "Ben, is alive? That's impossible"

Claire – "Well it's not Fletcher, he's alive and he's here somewhere"

Fletcher – "How long did you know?"

Claire – "Fletcher..."

Fletcher – "Claire...how long...did you KNOW about this?!"

Claire – "Two years ago!"

Fletcher – "Two years!? And you didn't tell me!?"

Claire – "I was under pressure and forced not to tell you or ANYONE else Fletcher!? If I did you and many others would be dead because of them!"

Fletcher – "Who? What do you mean them!?"

Claire – "The Ultimate Force!"

Fletcher – "I've heard about them, Jeffrey O' Neil was a part of that group before he was arrested. Is that why they took both of us here? To finish us off?"

Claire – "I guess, but now you understand Fletcher? They'll do anything to make us suffer so they won't get away with it"

Fletcher – "Over my dead body, where's Ben though? You said he was here, right?"

Claire – "Yes but I am not sure about this room since they would move him around due to Ben being so stubborn and trying to escape"

Fletcher – "That's my boy but we need to escape and then look for Ben, starting right now"

Fletcher looked around so that they could at least untie themselves until the door to the room open and the two men who took Fletcher and Claire out of their own will. The two of them were not playing around based on the serious looks they had on their faces. Meanwhile, outside of the warehouse, Gus and Harley arrive as they get out of the car before approaching the place.



The Bauer Residence

Matt was confused but still stunned of hearing from Vanessa about her open relationship with Billy which made him wonder who the two of them could be involved with. Matt has always been faithful to his current wife and never cheated on her since the two of them first met. But the thought of an open relationship never came to his mind because loving other people besides your current partner wasn't a good thing.

Matt – "An open relationship? Are you serious Vanessa?"

Vanessa – "Does it look like I am lying to you?"

Matt – "Of course not but.... you and Billy, an open relationship? When did this happen?"

Vanessa – "After we got married. We had an important conversation month back and as much as we love one another, the two of us decided to spice things up"

Matt – "That's when the open relationship happen?"

Vanessa – "Yes and honestly.... I don't mind it one bit and neither was Billy"

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