Find Your Light - Episode 6 (Last Episode)

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Springfield Police Department

Taking a deep breath, Marina Cooper Lewis, Shayne's wife, Frank and Eleni's daughter walks inside of the precinct along with her mother Eleni who accompanied her inside so she won't have to do this alone. When her dad told her everything about Shayne's current predicament, Marina was having a hard time wrapping her head around all of it. How could Shayne be a killer when he wouldn't have one iota in him to destroy someone like Alan-Michael Spaulding? Both her and Alan-Michael have history with each other, she saw some good in him but it was all destroyed because of his carelessness and turning into the man who raised him like Alan-Michael. At least Phillip was a better man that Alan-Michael could be, but could Alan-Michael have set him up? Maybe he hired someone to stab him so that the person may of taken Shayne's fingers prints somehow on the knife, that had to be it. But right now all she needed was her husband and thankfully Eleni was at her side, supporting her, just like others who came by the house to support Marina. Joshua, Reva, Coop, Ashley, etc. all of them were here for Shayne's wife as she stops just inches away from the interrogation room which Eleni noticed.

Eleni - "This is it sweetheart, your husband is right there waiting for you. Reva and Joshua have already seen him along with a couple others, now it's your turn"

Marina - "I know mom but, what if I am not ready for this? Facing my own husband who may be the man responsible for-"

Eleni - "Now Marina, you know how this system works. Shayne will be cleared and found innocent, there's no way he would this unless he wanted too"

Marina - *Nods and sighs* "You're right mom, you're right, I need to do this by myself"

Eleni - "Of course baby, and I will be right out here watching. I am sure your father is in his office so I may just go there to check on him to see how he's holding up. You got this, remember that, okay?"

Marina - "Thanks mom...well, here I go"

Marina hugs her mother before she walks to the interrogation room while Elena watches, seeing her husband sitting there, handcuffed to the table. Shayne who saw his wife come in noticed how shocked and sad she looked before Marina reached over to hug her husband.

Marina - "Shayne, how is all of this possible? Why are you here? You would never commit a crime Shayne, I know you"

Shayne - "I'm not innocent Marina, you know how flawed I am but this is something I didn't do"

Marina - *Sits down across from Shayne* "What do you remember? And tell me all of it"

Shayne - "I was never at Lewis-Spaulding Marina, I was at Lewis Energies and that's it. All of this sounds too obvious to be honest "

Marina - "Did anything else happen that seemed odd around you when you were at Lewis Energies?"

Shayne - "No, nothing, it was just any normal day at the office like any other. Then Mallet and Remy came in, told me about the fingerprints on the knife that matched mine, so I came here, answered their questions and then I was arrested "

Maria - "But you didn't stab Alan-Michael, right?"

Shayne - "No Marina, I didn't stab Alan-Michael but I don't know who else would. Dinah visited me earlier and she thought Edmund was behind this"

Marina - "Edmund? Why him? Why would he....because of Little HB?"

Shayne - "Correct, but would he really be that dumb of risking a relationship with out son? And then there's Lara, the two of them are just getting to know each other as father and daughter. It's just too dumb on his part to destroy everything of getting back at me"

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