Episode 27 - (Part 4/February Sweeps)

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The Bauer Residence

Sitting in the living room and looking over the scrap book of photos of himself, Ed, Holly, Blake including others that features his own children trying to remember certain memories. Ross remembered some things here and there including his childhood, when he became a lawyer, went to law school but when it came to Springfield his mind was mostly Blake. He remembered meeting Alan Spaulding and other people in the town but none of then included Blake or the children. There was another man that he remembered which was Ed of course, Rick and Michelle but as far as that goes beyond, nothing was there at all. There was no Blake in any of his memories or the children but Ross did feel something for her, there were some feelings he felt that he didn't get a chance to tell her about. Maybe if he called her or at least had a chance to speak with Blake on his own then it could possibly lead him back to his memories. Ross at least loved talking and hanging out with the children he's never know including Dinah, Jason, Kevin and Clarissa. Hearing the door knock Ross got up and walked over to the door before he opened it, seeing Blake as he smiled at the red head, who smiles back at him.

Ross - "What a lovely surprise, it's good to see you Blake. What brings you here? Your mom and Ed are out at the market for supplies"

Blake - "I didn't come by to see them...actually I came by to see you Ross"

Ross - "Me? Oh well...please...come in"

Ross moves out of the way before Blake comes inside the home before Ross closes the door behind her. Blake goes to the living room and puts her bag down before she turned to Ross then immediately kisses him which caught him by surprise. It didn't last until Blake pulled back and Ross was nearly breathless of what just happened.

Ross - "I...wow...that was...really unexpected"

Blake - "I'm sorry Ross, I had to do that, I need you to get those memories back. Sometimes I can be very impatient of what I want and...kind of reckless"

Ross - "Oh you don't have to tell me, your mother told me some things about you and what you've done in the past even though you told me some of them"

Blake - "We don't need to go over everything, but you need to know that I still love you after all this time. When you died I didn't know how to recover or move on, the woman I became was not the woman you loved"

Ross - "You won't get any lies from me Blake...I didn't know who I was when coming to Springfield until I met you, the kids, everyone who had history with me. The memories are not there unfortunately, I don't know if I can never get them back but there's one person, one lady who I want...that's you"

Blake - "You...you meant that Ross? You want me?"

Ross - "Yes Blake, the only woman I want in the entire world is you. It makes a lot of sense of why you're so bold, so strong, and you never back away from anything that stands right in front of you. I want us to start over again...for us"

Ross wrapped his arms around Blake's waist and brought her in for a passionate kiss. Brushing her lips onto hers, Blake ran her fingers through his gray hair and savored this moment with Ross. After months and months of interacting and talking to Ross, telling him everything about herself, it seems like now there's going to be a payoff. Suddenly Ross started to groan in pain before he pulled back from Blake again and rubbed his head.

Blake - "Are you okay Ross?"

Ross - "My...my head...it's hurts so damn much Blake. Maybe we could-"

Before Ross said anything else, Ross fell to the floor as his body started to shake and move around like he was having some kind of stroke or something. Blake immediately attended to Ross, starting to fear maybe coming on to him to strong and showing up was a mistake.

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