Find Your Light - Episode 4

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Cross Creek

Richard was outside of the home handling a phone call while Cassie was in the main living room waiting for Reva to come back with the drinks. She was worried though still on how Reva was processing the news of Joshua having another child with Tangie. It's a lot to take in, just like how it was a lot to take in for Reva when she found out Cassie was her sister. Hearing her come through the kitchen door, Cassie looks up and smiles at Reva.

Reva – "Okay, here you go Cassie. Where's Richard?"

Cassie – "He had to take care of a phone call which gives us so much time to catch up"

Reva – *Puts the four glasses of champagne on the table* "Sure, give me your best shot then"

Cassie – "Is everything okay between you and Joshua?"

Reva – "Of course everything between us is okay. Why would you ask me that?"

Cassie – "Reva.... didn't you say Joshua has a son recently?"

Reva – "Oh alright! Yes, Joshua has another son, and it pisses me off that Tangie, that broad bitch in daylight is slobbering all over him about its Cassie"

Cassie – "How does Joshua feel?"

Reva – "He's accepting of the situation Cassie despite being in shock; I don't think or believe he wants to do a DNA test and leave it as it is"

Cassie – "Reva, if that's how he feels, why not just respect what he wants?"

Reva – "We haven't talked about it yet, but I don't want to push him away. Obviously, this is for Joshua to deal with but he's going to get hurt Cassie, I can just feel it"

Cassie – "The only thing you can do is support him, but you shouldn't do anything to push Joshua away. You know what that means right?"

Reva – "He'll get mad at me and probably go back to Tangie. Right?"

Cassie – "All I can say is think before you act Reva. Of course, you would do anything for the people you love, but it usually ends up in disaster"

Reva – "Then what do I do aia?"

Cassie – "Talk it out with Joshua and see what happens. But remember, this is his son and Tangie is his mother, trust your husband, trust the process"

Richard - *Comes in and closes the door behind him* "Sorry for taking so long, had to take care of something. Hopefully all was well when I was gone, shall we have that toast?"

Cassie smiled as Reva picked up one glass of champagne before he gave it to Richard, then gives her sister a glass of champagne as well. Raising one for herself, she toasted to new beginnings and good times for Richard and Cassie. Clinking the glasses together, they all take a sip as Reva thought about what she spoke with her sister about. Tangie was going to use her good looks and bad acts to sway Joshua away from her but maybe Reva could dig up something from her past so she can keep her distance from Joshua. Then there's their 'son', so she wasn't going to use him against both at all.



The Park

Just as he was done with errands as Joshua left the market and got in his truck, he decided to walk over to the park and clear his mind before he goes back home. For him to find out he had a son with Dylan caused him to think about his next move which Joshua hasn't been able to do yet. The man knew he really needed to talk with Reva about this, it couldn't wait anymore. As he walked into the park, Joshua immediately saw Billy and Vanessa on the bench with Henry who was on the swings as the man smiled.

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