Episode 30

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Before you read today's episode, I would to take this time for all of us to remember the acting career and life of Gil Rogers. He played Ray Gardner on All My Children and Hawk Shayne on Guiding Light, among other credits in television and film. His family, friends and co-stars are in my prayers, as the legacy Gil left behind will never be forgotten.

Rest In Piece, Gil Rogers

February 4, 1934 - March 2, 2021 


Cedars Hospital

Watching Alan-Michael lay there in the hospital bed and not make a sound was Ed, Alan-Michael's uncle and someone who was like a father figure to him. You could only hear the sounds of beeping from the machines as Alan-Michael still had so many things hooked and wrapped around him. At least he was still breathing in and out from what Ed could hear through the small plastic mask that covered his mouth. Ed could see that his nephew, regardless of his current state, was in pain. Ed should of knew this was coming the moment Alan-Michael came back to tell him what he was up to in Springfield. But Alan-Michael is an adult, not a child anymore, and now here he is still lying in a coma. Whoever was there that stabbed him and nearly killed the man should pay the price but Alan-Michael was paying the price in his own way. No one, not even Ed knows what will happen once Alan-Michael wakes up. But hopefully Alan-Michael can at least try and make better choices as Holly comes in with two cups of coffee since she went to the nearest coffee store to get something for the two when they came to see Alan-Michael. Walking up to Ed, Holly placed one near Ed who noticed it and smiled before he took it.

Ed - "Oh thank you Holly, I appreciate that"

Holly - "No need to thank me, but tell me Ed, has there been any change?"

Ed - "No...no change at all. My nephew hasn't responded or saying anything, just in a coma. But I can tell he's fighting to stay alive"

Holly - "As he should, the man has so many reasons to live. Not just because of you Ed, but because of his family"

Ed - "Hopefully when he wakes up he can at least try to do better, but Alan-Michael, as stubborn as he is should of seen this coming. He started to make so many enemies by going after control of Spaulding-Lewis"

Holly - "Ed, I know I shouldn't you this but. Do you think anyone in the Spaulding Family did this to him?"

Ed - "To be honest Holly, no, but the thought of that would of just broken Alan's heart. Despite everything that man has done...the way he treated his children and interfered in their lives...he loved him"

Holly - "I think so too, if the man was alive he would be demanding answers and hiring someone to take out the person responsible for this"

Ed - *Chuckles* Yeah, that was Alan Spaulding alright, he would be moving heaven and earth to make sure his son makes it out alive"

Holly - "Has anyone seen or visit Alan-Michael lately?"

Ed - "Phillip called me the other day on his condition so he was here along with Beth. Victoria the day before was here too"

Holly - "Good, at least Alan-Michael wasn't alone. It wouldn't surprise me if the others may or may not visit him. Alan-Michael nearly divided the family on what he was going to do with the company"

Ed - "Can't say I blame them, the only thing we can do is...hope and pray for the best. I left Hope a message a couple days ago, but haven't heard any response from her yet"

Holly - "Give her some time Ed, maybe she'll come around and come to Springfield to see him. She possibly getting everything in order before making her arrival here"

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