Episode 4 - (Bauer BBQ/4th of July Edition)

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What Happened in Springfield over the past month with Coop Bradshaw and Tony Santos returns thanks to Michael Burke, the people of Springfield on 4th of July were coming together for the annual Bauer BBQ. At the Bauer Residence, Rick was in the backyard working on the food on the grill while Mindy, Leah, Cyrus, Mel, Vanessa, Billy, Bill II, Lizzie, Beth, Phillip, Frank, Eleni,, Shayne, Marina, Blake, etc. were among those who were here. Others left their homes and were on their way to the BBQ, then you have folks who are back in town that no one knows about yet. They were visiting or they were staying in Springfield for a while. Either way, you know the Bauer BBQ has its own fair share of moments, fair share of people coming together but also a fair share of drama. Who else was going to show up? Guess everyone is going to have to wait and see, as Cyrus sat with Mel at a table. Looking at pictures of him and Grady from back in the day when they were kids., Cyrus frowned as Mel was feeding their daughter Jenna. She noticed Cyrus was doing and wondered what he was thinking about.

Mel - "Are you alright Cyrus?"

Cyrus didn't pay attention at first but hearing his wife's voice caused him to turn to her. He weakly smiled with the cell phone in his hand that had the picture of Cyrus and Grady as Mel saw it.

Cyrus - "Oh nothing, just thinking about somebody who's on my mind today. I wish the man was actually hear right now Mel"

Mel - "Grady?"

Cyrus - "How did you know?"

Mel - *Smirks* "Is it that obvious? I just saw the picture of you and your brother on the phone, I can even tell you miss him which isn't a surprise"

Cyrus - "Well he's my brother, I haven't heard from him in a long time which was strange. It's been ten years since I last spoke to Grady, I wish he just kept in touch with me"

Mel - "Maybe he needed to get away from Springfield and just...forget about this town Cyrus. You know how sometimes we can all be when it comes to our drama"

Cyrus - "Couldn't he have just called me to give a heads up? We could have had one more drink, one more meal together before he left. I even texted him the day our child came into the world Mel, tried to call him....nothing"

Mel could see how Cyrus was affected and worried about Grady's absence for the past ten years. And that could only mean one thing since her husband is a PI and works in his own Private Investigation firm Springfield's Angels.

Mel - "That's strange Cyrus, you don't think anything bad happened to him do you?"

Cyrus - "I don't like to think of something like that but I know him Mel. Grady may be a jerk and a jackass at times but he can get himself out of any situation, so I don't know what went wrong for him"

Mel - "Do you think he's in trouble with the law?"

Cyrus - "I hope not but if he is then he would have called me already for help, to get him a lawyer instead of staying in the prison for a long time. Grady though is going to have to face the music if he can't get out of jail or work his way out of a sticky situation "

Mel - "Well if he was in prison for something he did, you would be notified by now. Are you thinking about investigating it?"

That was a very good question his wife asked him as she held her child in her arms. . Something told him to go ahead and see what he can find out but the other part told him to pause, pump the breaks so that he can think about it first.

Cyrus - "Are about that? I mean we have a child together Maureen and I can't see myself leaving you"

Mel - "Then maybe have someone else do it. Daisy could always look into it if you or maybe Blake can do it by looking into her contacts then see what they can come up with"

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