Episode 14 - (Winter Sweeps Part 3)

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Church – Bathroom

With the funeral service about to start, Daisy noticed James wasn't back yet from the bathroom. James probably doesn't want to face the music of Lizzie dying but there was no other way for him not to deal with reality. So, as she got up and went to the restroom, when Daisy opened the door, she gasped and saw James on the floor knocked out with blood on the back of his head.

Daisy – "James!"

Daisy immediately attended to her fiancé and checked his pulse before she panics. Hearing the door open Daisy saw Cyrus come in before he saw her next to James. He was about to use to restroom until the man came upon the concerning scene in front of him.

Cyrus – "Daisy, are you alright? What happened to James?"

Daisy – "Cyrus, it's not what you think. I didn't do this; I just saw him when l opened the door and...and..."

Cyrus – "Okay, calm down Daisy alright? Let me see if Rick is still at the church, if not then l will call 911. Stay with him"

Cyrus immediately left the restroom to get help while Daisy stayed with James who hasn't woken up or opened his eyes yet. She placed her hand on his heart before Daisy felt tears coming from her eyes and clenching her teeth.

Daisy – "Damn it James Spaulding, you better not leave me this time. Were supposed to get married remember? Were supposed to tie the knot and go on our honeymoon, just please hang in there for your family, for us...for me"



A limo pulls up outside the church as it inside, Alan-Michael along with his mother Hope sat in the backseat of it. After he was cleared to leave the hospital, he avoided most of his family except for his mother who's tried her best to get him to mend fences with loved ones. But Alan-Michael refused, he didn't want to come here today for his niece and aunts' funerals though decided to go through with it.

Hope – "Well, were here, are you ready son?"

Alan-Michael – "I guess since l don't have any other choice even though you roped me into this"

Hope – "Alan-Michael, no one placed a gun to your head and made you choose. This was your decision last minute since Lizzie and Alexandra are family to you"

Alan-Michael – "The last thing l want is to run into my nuisance of a brother who loves to make a scene on special occasions. This is one of them"

Hope – "That's very doubtful since you're the one who wants to make scenes these days. Don't let taking Spaulding-Lewis Enterprises get the best of you Alan-Michael. You're better than that"

Alan-Michael – "Honestly, the company is better off with me in control and not Bill Lewis. Now with Lizzie's death, he's not going to hold it together. Phillip will take control of the company and burn that into the ground for sure mother"

Hope – "Thankfully l am not into any kind of that business but from the sounds of it, you really want the company, don't you?"

Alan-Michael – "Of course mother, it's actually my birthright to save this company before it goes down the drain. My father, well OUR father wouldn't want the one thing he created to blow up like a powder keg"

Hope – "Well remember this son, when your father owned the company and ran with it...he became a ruthless man. He was someone who treated his family different because of it. Remember when he gave you a penny in his will after you and everyone thought the great Alan Spaulding died at first? Where did that get you? Is that what you want for the rest of your life, to be bitter?"

Alan-Michael – "Mother, l appreciates your concern but what l am doing is best for the Spaulding family. Your son knows how to be in control and not lose everything this time around. Now if you excuse me, we have a funeral to attend"



Cyrus ran down the hallway into the area of the church where the service was underway. Phillip was giving the eulogy while everyone who attended, family and friends in Springfield listened. Beth was trying to keep it together instead of breaking down, Bill was right by her side to give comfort. Cyrus ran inside through the doors as he stopped and was out of breath, but this couldn't wait any longer.

Cyrus – "James is hurt! He's in the restroom! He needs help, do we have a doctor in the church!?"

Everyone looked back at Cyrus while Phillip stopped and was alarmed before he left the podium and ran up to Cyrus.

Phillip – "What happened!? Where's James!?"

Cyrus – "Follow me"

Beth – "James!? Is he hurt!? Not again!"

Phillip nodded and saw Rick get up before the man waved for his friend to follow him since he's a doctor. Cyrus and Phillip ran to the restroom followed by Rick, etc., to the restroom where they went inside. Daisy held James's head in his hands with his blood on her hands, looking up at the group of people who came in.

Daisy – "Please help him! He's losing blood!"

Rick – "Don't worry Daisy, l got this. Just put his head down slowly on the floor, guys give us space please guys!"

Mindy – "I'll call 911!"

Daisy did exactly what Rick told her. Taking off his suit Rick put it where the blood was coming out of James head with Cyrus, Mindy, etc. watching. Frank instructed his detectives in Remy and Rafe to check around the church for anything suspicious before checking back with him.

Beth – "First Lizzie, Vanessa, and now this. When is it going to stop Phillip? Are we going to lose our son toon?"

Phillip – "Hey, don't talk like that okay? Were not losing our son Beth, you hear me? He's strong just like you and l are"

Frank – "All of you have to leave now except for Rick, this is now a crime scene. No one is allowed the leave the church"

Daisy – "Whoever is responsible for hurting James and trying to kill to him will be held responsible! Do you all understand!"

Buzz – "Daisy, come on sweetheart. Lillian and l are going to take you out of here for fresh air, okay? Let's go"

Frank and Mallet were ushering people out of the rest room before Buzz and Lillian slowly helped Daisy up who's still an emotional mess. Thankfully she was out of the restroom and somewhere else so she can calm down. Rick made sure to keep the pressure on James's head, so the blood doesn't come out until the EMT's show up. One thing was happening after another, and no one knew what happened to James...except for the person who's the cause of all of this.


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