Episode 6

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Sonni/Solita is running out of the rain into a green garden house, as Shayne Lewis follows right behind her

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Sonni/Solita is running out of the rain into a green garden house, as Shayne Lewis follows right behind her..

Sonni/Solita **caught off guard**Shayne?!

Shayne* seems angry, yet adorable looking like Josh*

Shayne: I saw you with my Uncle Billy..

tell me which bitch am i talking too?!

Sonni/Solita*Hurt, yet intrigued* - Look, Shayne I really like your Uncle's company, and if you are in the mood to take your moms judgemental ways maybe you should go lecture your father!

Shayne:* Caught Off Guard* - Excuse me, what lies are fabricating?!

Sonni/Solita * Flips to Solita personality* - Listen here Reva Jr your dad has been spending some private time with his other ex not Olivia..

Shayne:* Reels from her truth bomb

Sonni/Solita vows to hurt Josh, Reva and more!



Cross Creek

Tangie was still not happy to hear from Joshua that he wanted a DNA test when it comes to their son Dylan. Reva though deep down was just loving this, because Joshua was finally using his head and thinking long term when it comes to someone who Reva still thought wasn't Joshua's son with Tangie. Everything about this was just a bunch of crap as far as it concerned Reva, but Joshua looks as if he was going to stand firm on this.

Tangie – "Are you serious Joshua?"

Joshua – "We need to move forward with this DNA test and get it out of the way"

Tangie – "Oh really? Let me guess, Reva was in your ear during the entire time?"

Reva – "My husband is not controlled by me Tangie and neither by you. Joshua has his own mind"

Joshua – "Tangie..."

Joshua was about to approach Tangie but she turned her back away from the two.

Tangie – "Don't Joshua..."

Joshua – "Tangie, this is the right path for us to go on. If Dylan is our son then I will be there for him but if he's not-"

Tangie – "He IS your son Joshua!"

Joshua – "Okay, and are you a hundred percent sure?"

Tangie turns around and glared at Joshua.

Tangie – "What do you mean!? I told you about it and then you knew it was the truth!"

Joshua – "Just because you told me doesn't exactly mean it's the truth though"

Reva – "Do you have an actual DNA test with you Tangie?"

Tangie – "You know what? FINE...we'll do a DNA test and WHEN it shows that Dylan is OUR son you AND Reva should apologize!"

Reva – "And if it's not?"

Tangie – "Goodbye, we'll be in touch Joshua"

Ignoring them, Tangie stormed out and slammed the door behind her as Joshua sighed and shook his head before Reva walked up to him, placing her hands on her shoulders.

Reva – "It's okay Joshua, you made the right call. The DNA test must happen though and hopefully you get the answers you need"

Joshua – "You're right but like I said.... if Dylan is my son with Tangie he'll be a part of this family Reva. No ifs, ands, or buts"

Reva - *Nods* "Of course Joshua...we'll get through this together"



Shayne felt a strange pull towards Sonni/Solita as he follows her down to the lake view point of the park seeing her feed the ducks, he gets busted as his footsteps..

Sonni/Solita^ Amused - Why are you following me to bully me some more let me guess you get off to my split personality right?!

Shayne* Bubbles in a emotional state* - I see you, not the villainess but you, your beauty..Sonni!

— Meanwhile—

Billy gets a surprise visit of a call from Andy Dixon.. this gives him such an idea to get his lonely distraught daughter happy again..

Billy*grins* - Andy, what a surprise do tell me you are revisiting Springfield, Illinois again?

Andy - Yes, Mr.Lewis.. you see I really miss Mindy so much so I transferred to your town to start my new job..


Has Billy Lewis hit the lottery of love?!

Can Andy be truly committed to Mindy?!

Fade Out..

"Last Dance" by Donna Summer

#GL, #FanFic, #Daytime, #Drama, #Romance


(OOC: This episode was co-written by me (NathanBanks757) and Willy (PartyWill)

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(OOC: This episode was co-written by me (NathanBanks757) and Willy (PartyWill). Willy gets credit for the images)

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