Episode 9 - (The Bauer BBQ/Part 3)

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The Bauer Residence – Backyard

Ross and Phillip were besides themselves hearing from both their sons about the two being in a relationship together, but they're also gay. Jason and Zach waited for their reaction or at least to say anything while others who were close by peeked or watched what was going on. It's awkward to say the least but at least it's out in the open right now. Jason and Zach held hands which made this more stunning to the two older men.

Phillip – "The two of you are.... together?"

Zach – "Yes"

Ross – "You mean...more like..."

Jason – *Sighs* "Yes dad, were together and were GAY. This happened a couple months back and it just...happened"

Zach – "But were sure about this, we want each other regardless of the differences the two of you have currently"

Phillip – "I just don't know what to say or think about this"

Ross – "You're making a mistake Jason"

Jason – "Here we go..."

Blake – "Ross, what's going on?"

Beth – "Yeah, is everything okay?"

Ross – "Our son is gay and dating Zach Spaulding, the son of the DEVIL himself!"

Phillip – "You're going a little overboard don't you think Ross?"

Ross – "Don't go there with me Phillip! I don't want your son dating my own son!"

Blake – "Calm down Ross, I am sure we can talk this out privately without- "

Ross – "No Blake, what's been told is already here for EVERYONE to hear. Son, do you know you're making a big mistake!?"

Jason – "Dad, what's your issue? Can't you see this is beyond the whole stupid war between you and Phillip?"

Zach – "I understand your concern about my relationship with Jason but let me-"

Phillip – "Zach, this isn't the right time for us to discuss this now"

Zach – "Then when is the RIGHT time dad!? Me and Jason are together so if our families can't understand or don't get it, then too bad! Jason, I need some fresh air, let's get out of here"

Nodding his head, Jason and Zach leave still holding hands as Ross, Phillip, Blake and Beth were still in shock. Ross wasn't a fan of this, Phillip was absorbing the news himself, Blake was concerned, and Beth wondered what this would mean for everyone, not just the Marler/Spaulding families. Once the two men were in the clear, away from everyone else on the other side of the house, Zach pulled Jason into a kiss before the two men went inside the house. That way they can go up to another room to have privacy so to speak.



Getting out of the car by himself, Andy closes the door behind before making his way to the house. Andy hoped that none of the Bauer's were at the front door as he was sent here by Billy to keep an eye on not just him but also Mindy too. Out of all the people in this town, the only person Any cares about is Mindy Lewis and that's it. Ringing the doorbell, Andy waited as he looked around before it opened and saw Mindy causing him to smile.

Andy – "Mindy"

Mindy – "Oh, Andy"

Andy went in to kiss Mindy, but she stops him before closing the door behind her so that no one was looking.

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