Episode 2

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Cross Creek

After picking up their son from the airport, Joshua and Tangie arrived at Cross Creek with Dylan who was in awe of the residence that his father lives in with Reva. Joshua opens the door as Tangie and Dylan come in together.

Joshua – Make yourself at home soon, you're going to love this place after the tour is complete.

Dylan – Thanks dad, I take it you've lived here for a very long life?

Joshua – With Reva and your siblings that is, there's been some good memories and some not so good ones but the ones that were great stood out the most.

Tangie – Speaking of Reva, where is she Josh? I figured she would be here by now.

Joshua – She had to take care of some things but in the meantime, we can get Dylan over here settled for the time being. How does that sound?

Dylan – Sure, I got time to kill dad.

The door opens and Reva comes in surprised to see Joshua with Dylan and Tangie, so it was better for her to be on her best behavior.

Reva – Joshua, you're home. Tangie? Who's that? Is it...?

Joshua – Yep, this is Dylan, my son Raven.

Dylan – Who are you?

Reva smiled and introduced herself to the handsome man.

Reva – Reva Shayne Lewis, your father has told me a lot about you.

Dylan shakes her hand while Tangie and Josh look on.

Dylan – I'm not surprised, I hope I won't be intruding on anything here. It'll take some time for me to get used to staying in Cross Creek and Springfield for the time being. But at the end of the day, I think all of us should be on the same page.

Joshua – There's no doubt on my mind that we'll get along. Right Reva?

Reva – Of course Joshua, what else can go wrong?

That's when Reva noticed Tangie narrowing her eyes at Reva and Reva did the same thing. Obviously the two women didn't trust each other but for good reason but with Dylan here, things might get out of hand.



Cedars Hospital

Dean Martin (Ricky Paul Goldin), Gus Airtoro's twin brother showed up at the hospital to pick up Janet for a lunch date. When he steps off the elevator, Dean bumps into this twin brother in Gus who was surprised to see Dean of all people.

Dean – Long time no see brother.

Gus – Hey Dean, long time no see as well my man.

Dean hugs his brother.

Gus – Yeah, I know. I just got here with Harely, but what you brings you here to the hospital? Is everything alright?

Dean – Yeah, yeah, just here picking up a lovely lady for lunch.

Janet – Hey you.

Jenna (Alla Karot) walks up to Dean and kisses him on the lips softly.

Dean – Hey beautiful, hopefully I didn't arrive late.

Janet – No you didn't. I left the office not too long ago, oh, are you Dean's twin brother, correct?

Gus – Yeah, the name's Gus Airtoro. Do you know Dean?

Janet – Yes, me and him knew each other a long time ago so now where just getting to know one another all over again.

Before Gus could speak, the elevators door open and Frank walks out with a police officer.

Frank – Where is he Gus? Where's the son of a bitch?

Dean – Who?

Gus – This way Frank. Sorry bro, got to go, maybe we'll catch up later.

Dean – Same here man, me and this lovely lady have a lunch date to get to anyway. See you later, hey Frank.

Frank – Yeah.

Gus, Frank and the offices went to the room where Ben Reade as Frank was focused on seeing this for himself. 



Ben Reade, who everyone thought died, laid in the hospital bed stable but not opening his eyes while Claire, Harley and Fletcher watching on. Fletcher sat near Ben and took his head before he spoke to his stepson.

Fletcher – Ben, it's me, Fletcher.

Ben still doesn't say anything as Fletcher continues.

Fletcher – I know it's been a while but at the same time you need to wake up. A lot has happened, but we don't need to lose you again this time.

Claire approached Fletcher and put her hand on his shoulder.

Claire – He's strong just like his father, just like you Fletcher. He's going to be okay in the end.

Fletcher – I am not his father Claire, it's Kyle Sampson.

Caroline – Doesn't matter, you've been there more for him than Kyle.

Fletcher – And where was I when Ben was going off the deep end? Nowhere to be found, MIA, didn't exist at all for the time being.

Claire – Don't talk like that Fletcher, it won't do you any good going back to the past.

Fletcher – All I know is once Ben wakes up the man is going to need a lot of help.

Claire – At least he'll have you by his side.

Voice – He'll need more than Fletcher to be honest.

Gus, Frank, and the officer step inside the room causing Fletcher to stand up.

Fletcher – Frank...

Frank – So it is true, your son is alive after all.

Claire – Seriously, you're going to do this now when Ben just came back into the world? That's just rude.

Frank – You mean after he KILLED innocent woman who didn't deserve to die BECAUSE of him Caroline? It's more than RUDE.

Harley – Frank is right, Ben HAS to be held responsible for the crimes that took place.

Fletcher – Can't you just wait until he wakes up? The man just went through hell because of the Ultimate Force. They were the ones who did this!

Frank – Cuff him.

The office was about to handcuff Ben's hand to the rail, the sounds of machine started going off and Ben started to flatline.

Fletcher – NO!


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