Oneshot No. 1 (1232 words)

Start from the beginning


"What is it, Clay?" He exhaled. Clay bit his lip nervously. 

"I'm sorry. Sorry for everything I did, it was childish and I should give you some personal space. I should be a better friend." He looked at George who clearly didn't seem apologetic enough to answer. George stood up and turned to look at Clay, but turned back around.

"If you're not gonna answer me, at least tell me why you hid something from me. I thought we were best friends, that we'd tell each other everything. I would've been happy for you!" Clay exclaimed. 

"Like you haven't hidden something from me." George snickered.

"Oh yeah? What?"

"The fact that you'd snoop through my phone." George took a sip of his drink.

 Clay clenched his fists. George noticed.

"What are you gonna do? Punch me?" He mocked, turning around and walking over, thinking Clay wouldn't do such a thing and being confident in his response. However, his confidence shattered when Clay shook his head and laughed.

 Clay rammed his fist into George's face. George swallowed the metallic taste of blood and punched Clay right back. 

"What, you wanna fight me? You're built like a skeleton. I could knock you out cold if I wanted to." Clay laughed, knowing he was right.

George ignored his comment and punched him right in the nose. He watched blood trickle out from Clay's nose. Clay wiped it with his hand and rolled his tongue over his teeth. George backed up.

"I didn't mean to punch you!" He gulped. 

"For a split second I believed you, George." Clay lowered his fist. 

"It's true!" George assured him, laughing nervously.

"It might be true, but you know what else is true?"


"That it's too late." Clay punched him with a clenched fist right in the neck. George fell to the ground, his head hitting the ground as he got knocked out cold.

-- LATER --

Clay cleared his throat, sitting in the chair by the hospital bed. His shoe was tapping impatiently and nervously on the ground. His face lit up when George's eyes opened. George's head hurt and was pounding, but he looked around and noticed Clay.

"George! George, I'm so sorry." Clay winced, on the verge of tears, his heart racing. George sat up.

"Am I in a hospital?" His eyebrows furrowed as he glanced around.

"Uh, yeah. We kind of-"

"Got into a fight." George finished his sentence and flopped backwards. He shut his eyes for a few seconds, taking in a sharp inhale. Clay winced as he exhaled.

"I'm really sorry." He frowned. George looked at him. 

"I forgive you. I should've told you about it instead of keeping it from you." 

The two smiled as Clay stood up and hugged him tight.

"By the way, you might wanna, I don't know, tweet something? Everyone's really worried about you." Clay passed George his phone from the hospital beds table. His eyes suddenly clouded with worry as he saw tons upon tons of hate comments towards Clay.

"Why is everyone so mad at you?" George frowned.

"I told them about our argument. I didn't wanna lie to them." Clay shuffled back and sat in the hospital chair by the bed. Clay looked like he was breaking inside. 

George cleared his throat and tweeted out, "I'm fine guys! Also, please don't send hate towards Dream. He took me to the hospital and is an amazing and great friend. We simply, like all friends, just got into a fight. It happens all the time and I also punched him. Once again please don't send any hate or negative words to Dream. :)". 

"Let's go home." Clay said gently.

"Bet." George smiled.

Yes i know im bad at endings :( pls leave suggestions for a name, ending or possible story ideas !! Also pls vote and leave comments or corrections hehe ok thx bye!! remember that ily and ur valued and worthy of living and we can chat whenever you need to i love uuuu!!! oki bye xx <333

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