Addiction pt.3 💧Peter

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'Y/n!' She says making you stop in your tracks and turn around as she walks closer. Peter gets up from his chair and looks at you two.

'What do you want Liz?' You reply annoyed.

'Where are you going?' She asks sweetly.

'None of your already got what you wanted so why don't you just leave me alone?!' You snap.

'I just wanted to help you, maybe you were off to take a pill or something? Or put a needle in your arm, I just wanted to prevent that...' she smiles oh so innocently.

'And why would you care?, you caused all of this, you ruined everything, you threatened me, you got what you wanted, now fucking stay away from me!'

'Aww are you gonna cry?' She coos as tears form in your eyes.

'Liz Stop...' MJ cuts her off.

'You have no fucking idea what you've done to me...the things you said went too fucking far... all I want is for you to stop trying to make my life miserable...'

'Go cry to mama y/n...oh wait...well actually you'll get to soon enough, one too many pills, one too many injections will be enough right?'

'I haven't taken anything...'

'Well you know what they say, once an addict, always an addict...' she chuckles evil. 'Especially since you were one from don't belong here y/n...'

You glance at Peter as tears roll down your face while the whole cafeteria starts to laugh at you, there are only four who aren't laughing: MJ, Betty, Ned and Peter.

'Jenny...can you please pick me up?' You sob over the phone.

'Yeah of course sweetie...what's wrong?'

'Liz started again, the whole cafeteria laughing in my face so can you please come get me?'

'Yeah I'll be there as fast as possible...' she says before hanging up.

You're hiding in the bathroom. Your knees up to your chest, your hand clutching the phone. It's times like this where you can hear that little voice again, telling you to take something, it will take the pain away. But this time you ignore it, no matter what anybody says, you will not take anything.

The second bell rings, it's safe to go out in the halls because nobody should be there. So you clutch your bag as you slowly move to the door. You open it and peek through to see the halls empty.

You close the door behind you and make a beeline straight to the entrance of the school. You sit down on the steps waiting for Jenny.


You stay quiet, you try to ignore the dick trying to talk to you. Of course it has to be Peter.

'I'm sorry for what Liz said to you...and I'm sorry for the whole cafeteria laughing at you..'

You stare at your shoes as he sits down next to you, the events of last week still very fresh in your mind. You couldn't care less about Liz right now, it's what Peter said and did that hurt you the most.

'Don't care...' you reply fiddling with your fingers, still refusing to even glance his way.

'I know you do y/n...I know you...'

'Do you though?!, because I remember you specifically telling me that you don't recognise me anymore...just go back to Liz since you clearly believe her over me...I don't want to talk to you anymore...'

'I'm sorry for yelling at you but you need to understand that I don't want to see you as sick as you were ever again...'

'So instead of hearing me out, showing you what she has been saying and doing to me, you believe a fake ducking picture?, a picture she send you...'

'She just wants what's best...'

'And that's for me to be humiliated?, to be hated by everyone?, to be laughed at constantly?, you're fucking oblivious to what happens around you Peter!, open your fucking eyes for once!, I haven't touched anything that can be considered drugs, you can ask you friends at the compound, ask Tony for the blood test be has me do every other month to keep record of recovery and all that...ask my brother who sees me everyday because I live with them... at least my real friends believe me when I say I haven't done shit...' you wait for him to say anything to you, but you continue when he doesn't.

'I have every bit of evidence against Liz okay?, and it's not because I'm jealous..all I wanted was for you to see me as more than a former addict but you clearly can't see past that...nobody fucking can!' You stomp your feet down on the ground in rage.

'Y/n...' Peter sighs.

'What Peter?, you were the one person that stood by my worst you could handle me and a lot of people walked out on me expect you...and now when I need you to believe me you walk out too...' you wipe away the fresh wave of tears.

You see Jenny's car pull up and you grab your things. Peter tried to stop you but you move away before he can even hold onto anything.

He starts to doubt everything, he starts to think things through with logic, he needs to ask the team to help him find out the truth.

Before he loses you forever, his worst fear.

Marvel Imagines pt. 3 Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ