❧〘Happy (Late) Birthday Katsuki!〙❧

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        This was supposed to be published on the 20th but stupid homework and stupid chores and stupid tendinitis has kept me busy this entire time!! And I have other stories that I have to attend to!! I can't keep doing this to myself!!! UGH!!! I am so sorry for publishing this birthday special for the ever so explosive boy, super late. So I am so sorry, and I hope to be a able to get the next cannon chapter out soon, without nearly dying from pain and exhaustion.

        Typing away at her computer, (Y/n) was making sure she got all the emails sent to the close family friends. She's already had to send messages and emails to her friends.

        "Got all the emails sent?" Tatsuki asked, texting with Haruto about the surprise party that was going to be held at the Bakugou residence.

        "Most of them. I'm just waiting for the Todoroki/Midoriya family and the Kaminari family. Have you heard anything from the Kirishima family?" (Y/n) asked her son, typing away an email to the Iida family.

        "We did manage to get the Monoma family here, but they might show up to the party a little late. Question, did Akari make a good distraction to keep dad away?" Tatsuki asked, texting with this friend more about the other things that they would need.

        "Knowing your sister, she'll forget about distracting him and get herself distracted with him." (Y/n) smiled, knowing how much in common Akari and Katsuki has in common. "We'll be good for about another few hours. Besides, those two were going to go see a new movie the two of the wanted to see. Luckily I didn't want to see it, mostly cause they're both going to get fired up and start yelling."

        "That's dad and Akari for us." Tatsuki laughed lightly. "I'm going to to Haruto and Asahi to help pick up the decorations. Akari plans on getting Zjarr and Akull to help us keep dad distracted. I think Aoi, Akane, and Au are making dads favortie cake. Touma, Yuuto, and Rika are picking are picking up the everyones presents and wrapping them at Rika's place. Shoji, Sam, and Kana are at UA getting your classroom ready."

        "Where's Shota?" (Y/n) asked, looking around for her youngest child.

        "Akari had dropped Shota off at UA using his Quirk to help make things run smoothly for the slideshow." Tatsuki said, smiling. "He's only 6 and he's already trying to help us like he's in his teens. The kid's gotta be a kid."

        "Do remember he's a lot like your grandfather." (Y/n) smiled.

        "That's gonna make him a scary adult." Tatsuki said. "If he's going to be anything like grandpa, he's going to work the hell out of his students, be especially hard on his own kids, and probably be a sleepy Caterpillar. Is he gonna get grandpas smile?"

        "Hopefully not..." (Y/n) said, wondering what her son would look like if he had her fathers face when he smiles. "That's way too scary. If you wanna know what it's like, ask your father about what my dad used to be like when he used to teach us. It was quite scary."

        "How is dad still alive?!" Tatsuki yelled. If his grandfather was anything like how he is now, he would expect his dad or his mom to be dead, or on the brink of death.

        "Cause I had to save his butt."

        "So, we just need some more Ground Zero stuff. We got the streamers of dad's hero costume colors, and we got some of his masks. Do you think that's gonna be alright?"

        "Those will be alright. We just need some Ground Zero tablecloths, plates, cups, and napkins." Haruto said, caying the bag of full of streamers and masks.

OLD VERSION ❦ The Pros Daughter ❦ (Katsuki Bakugou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now