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        "I can't believe my baby is getting married already!" Midnight yelled, hugging her niece in an iorn grip hug. "It seems just like yesterday you came into our lives!"

"Aunt Mifnight! I-I can't! B-breath!" (Y/n) shouted, feeling her rib cage being crushed, along with her lungs losing oxygen. "L-let! Go!"

Midnight dropped her niece immediently. (Y/n) collapsed on the floor, trying to get oxygen back into her system.

"Midnight. Did you kill my daughter?" Aizawa asked from his sleeping bag.

"I didn't kill her! I just knocked her out!" Midnight yelled at the sleepy man, and kicked him out of (Y/n)'s room. "And I'm getting her ready for the wedding! So leave!"

Aizawa just rolled out of his daughters room, and Midnight slammed the door closed. "Just get everything else ready!"

"Dad is gonna have one heck of a stomach ache after that kick." (Y/n) sighed.

The door burst open. Midnight was ready to kick whoever it was out, but she only saw the brides maids.

"Time to get ready!" Uraraka shouter happily, closing the door behind the group once they were all in.

"I can't believe it's you're wedding day already! I'm so excited!" Hakagure shouted happily, jumping up and down.

"It is a special day. So we have to make sure you stand out the most." Momo said, and used her Quirk to star making some makeup.

"You'll take everyone's breath away." Tsu said, and started styling (Y/n)'s hair to make it look perfect.

"Thank you girls, you really are the best." (Y/n) smiled, letting her friends help her get ready for her special day.

"Yo! Bakubro! Are you ready for the big day!?" Krishima hung one arm over his friends shoulder.

"Of course I am shitty hair." Katsuki said, and shoved Krishima off of him, which was a usual thing since they were much younger.

"Dude! You're getting married! Be more excited!" Sero said, standing behind Katsuki, and pulled on his cheeks, trying to get him to smile. "Just smile!"

Katsuki just pushed Sero away, not wanting to cause any damage to the School's banquet hall.

Yes, they were getting married at the school. Why? Because it was where the chapter of their lives had started. It was where they met, and started their lives with one another. It was amazing. It was U.A. that gave them the opportunity to be together. U.A. was holding a special place in their hearts.

"Try not to break anything." Shouto scolded the others. He really couldn't scold Katsuki. It was his special day, and he didn't want to ruin it for his cousin. The last thing he wanted to do, was make his cousin mad at him on her wedding day.

"Please, refrain from causing any trouble. This is a special day for Bakugou and Aizawa, so please be on your best behavior." Iida scolded them as well. He could live with his cousin being mad at him, but he worked really hard to help make everything perfect for her. If anything was wrong, he would be the one to fix it, for the sake of his insanity, and his pride.

"And there they go..." Izuku said, chuckling a little. He was helping setting food out with All Might and Present Mic.

"Do you see how many people are on (Y/n)'s side of the family? There are so many!" Ojiro said, amazed to see that all the Pro Hero's said that they were going to make it to the wedding.

OLD VERSION ❦ The Pros Daughter ❦ (Katsuki Bakugou x Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora