❧〘The Dragon King〙❧

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Ok! Hi! Hello everyone! So, sorry for no canon update. Things with my family and my grandmothers passing is starting to be accepted and we're currently trying to make sure she gets buried in the place she wanted. So hope you all enjoy this chapter, and bye bye.

        "Looking back at my current situation, I'm starting to think maybe I shouldn't have taken this job..." (Y/n) thought to herself. She had taken a job by the king of her country, and she had to visit the dragon king to invite him for a peace treaty with the king and his children. "Why did Shouto make me do this? I only agreed to do this for him... I really need to learn how to say no to that boy...."

        Looking at her surroundings, she found herself in unfamiliar territory. She'd probably been in this part of the woods for almost 2 days now, the village almost 3 days away if she were to go back. She'd been traveling for so long, to simply just do a job that should've had someone more qualified to go do, but no, she just couldn't say no to her favorite cousin. "I really need to learn how to say no...."

        Suddenly, 3 people suddenly fell in front of her. (Y/n) drew her sword, ready to slay whoever it may be, before she recognized familiar green and blue hair, and a pink witches hat.

        One of the fallen bodies was Tenya Iida. He had his normal guard armor on. No matter what job he had, he always wore full armor instead of wearing light armor. To this day she still wonders how he isn't a cooked Iida turkey while wearing that armor in the summer time.

        The other was a green haired boy, she recognized to be Izuku Midoriya. She's seen him with Iida, but never bothered to talk to him since she likes getting her work done before talking to others, unless it's part of her job. Even though she never talked to him much, she still considered him her cousin, since he is close with her Uncle.

        The last was the gravity witch, Uraraka. (Y/n) actually did a few jobs with her. There are a few moments where (Y/n) has had moment where she wished Uraraka would learn to control her magic. Maybe then, (Y/n) won't be flying all over the place.

        "Wow. It's raining people." (Y/n) teased, picking Izuku up by the back of his shirt, and plopped him down on his feet, while Uraraka and Iida both got up.

        "S-sorry about that (Y/n)." Izuku apologized, brushing the dirt off of him, while fixing his sword strap on his back.

        "I'm going to guess you three were on a job, and ended up finishing it, but now you're being chased by something. From the looks of it, you guys forgot your bags." (Y/n) said, taking a guess on what happened to the three people in front of her.

        "You can tell that just by seeing what we don't and do have with us?" Uraraka asked, kinda amazed to see she guess correctly.

        "Thought so. You three really need to judge the area before you start settling down." (Y/n) said, sighing. She jumped up into where the three had fallen.

        "What is she doing?" Izuku asked, wondering what (Y/n) was doing at the moment.

        "Just wait." Iida said, sitting down and waited for (Y/n) to come back.

        About 10 minutes has passed, before (Y/n) jumped back down, with her clothes covered in blood and her sword covered in blood as well. "There we go. Your camp should be safe for the rest of the day, but I suggest you three get back to a village before more animals come."

        "Thank you for taking care of those maters." Uraraka said, smiling at her friend.

        "You're welcome. I suggest you guys get back and rest. I still have to get to the Dragon Kingdom." (Y/n) said, patting the three on the shoulder. "Prince Shouto wanted me to bring the king back to the palace to sign a peace treaty."

        "Why not just have your father do it? Why did you have to?" Izuku asked, knowing long travels by herself was not (Y/n)'s specialty.

        "Cause I couldn't say no to Shouto...." (Y/n)'s head dropped, remembering how Shouto kept tasking and asking and asking her. Even though he kept his cold straight face, she could tell through his eyes that he really wanted her to go and do the job.

        "He had that look in his eye, didn't he?" Iida asked, remembering when Shouto would have that look in his eye whenever he asked Iida to do a job for him as well.

        "Yep." (Y/n) couldn't deny the truth of the matter.

        "Anyways, we better get going before it's dark. Never know what kind of animals might show up around during the night." Izuku said, pointing towards the sun. "The sun will set in a few hours, and we have to get our things back."

        "Oh yeah. We left your stuff there." Uraraka said, remembering she left some of her potions in her bag. "Ah! We gotta go before some dumb animal consumes the potions!"

        "Then hurry." (Y/n) encouraged.

        The three ran off back in the direction they came from, trying to get back to their camp sight before any animals or anybody would steal their supplies, that they needed till they got back to the capital.

        Sighing, (Y/n) carried on. No use waisting valuable day time with just standing around when she had a job to do.

        Cutting down a branch, (Y/n) threw it into the fire, making sure the fire had enough wood before she would sleep. 5 hours of straight traveling and not having much time to relax due to magical creatures attacking left and right, you tend to get tired easily.

        Looking at the map, (Y/n) started predicting how much longer it would be before she had to travel before she reached the Dragon Kingdom. From where she was marked on the map, it would take her almost another day before she reached the boarder, but who knows how close she is to the territory already.

        Sighing, the young knight decided to just relax. With sword in hand, (Y/n) rested her back against a nearby rock, with firewood in arms reach, to make sure the fire didn't go out.

        Sorry I didn't introduce Katsuki in this chapter. Part 2 will introduce him, but that won't come out for a while since I wanna get a few canon chapters out and update a few other of my MHA stories. Bye bye everyone!

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