❦〚Quirk Training〛❦

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        "Get your damn hands off my daughter right now before I expel you." Aizawa threatened at the awake Bakugou.

Bakugou woke up not 10 minutes ago, with a very sleepy (Y/n) resting on his chest. She was in a deep sleep with having to work out the entire Class A and Class B training, so she was a very tired girl.

Aizawa on the other hand, woke up an hour ago. He was setting up the training courses he and (Y/n) planned out the day before. But when he went to the girls room to look for his daughter, she wasn't there, so that him searching. And here we are now, with Bakugou awake on the couch letting (Y/n) sleep, with a murderous aura surrounding Aizawa, as he saw Katsuki's hands on his daughters waist and head.

Immediately, Katsuki took his hands off his classmate, not wanting to piss Aizawa off any more than he already is. "Ye-yes sir."

Glaring, Aizawa picked his daughter up, with one arm under her upper back and the other under her knees. "You ever think about doing something like that to my daughter again, you will be working till your nothing but bones."

Aizawa ended up carrying his daughter to his room. Since he is a teacher, he got a room to himself. Since (Y/n) is his daughter, it's alright to let her sleep in his room. Right now, he wasn't her teacher, he was her father.

It's been a couple of hours since (Y/n) woke up to being in her fathers room. She's currently wearing her school uniform, with a clip board in hand. She wasn't going to be doing any training right now, since her training tends to be more private, and more dangerous than the others. So she'll be training at night with the the Pussycats, Aizawa, and Vlad.

"How does everyone seem to be doing?" Aizawa asked his daughter, standing next to her while overlooking the students. He looked over his daughters shoulder, looking at the stats (Y/n) wrote down of her classmates.

"It will most certainly be a while before anyone can get their stats up so high in such short amount of time. For now, everyone needs to be pushed to their full limits. The muscle fibers they use to improve their quirk will be broken and pushed beyond what they've done before. Once they've eaten, they should do some running for a cool down." (Y/n) said, handing her father the clip board of the current stats of her classmates. Some were improving slowly while there are others who are stuck on the same level that they were on before.

"Looks like some are doing well. Do remember what time your training is at." Aizawa handed his daughter the clip board back, before leaving to see how his current students are doing.

(Y/n) was currently looking over her classmates, before she was looking around. "There's no Class B...where are they? They should've been here a while ago..."

"Looking for us?" Vlad asked his niece from behind her, with the entire Class B behind him.

"Hello there Vlad King. It's about time you joined us for the training." (Y/n) said, putting on her professional face, along with holding back the urge to hug her Uncle, since she's been spending most of the time with her Aunts and father. "I already have the training regiments set up for your students."

"Wait, we're letting a kid set up our training? Isn't that kinda unfair?" One of the students from Class B asked, his arms crossed over his chest. "She's our age, why isn't she doing any of the training Class A is doing?"

"Believe it or not, this little girl has helped keep U.A. under control with rules, set up some of the most difficult assignments for our third years who haven't even passed her tests, along with crafting some of the strongest Pro Heroes that are famous today. She'll whip you into shape to become an excellent Hero, unless you want to fight against her, be my guest." Vlad said, hitting his student in the back, sending him towards (Y/n).

OLD VERSION ❦ The Pros Daughter ❦ (Katsuki Bakugou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now