❦〚Run In〛❦

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        (Y/n) left the giant gates of U.A, her purse in hand. She wore a simple . She didn't want to stand out all that much, but also look like a normal citizen. Her heels clacked against the concrete in a relaxed rhythmic pace, her hair rested gently behind her. She checked the list her father texted to her before she left. It appeared to just be a couple of things, like veggies, some fruit, and some meat.

The girl finished her studying before lunch, and convinced her father to let her take the rest of the day off to relax, get some things done, and even maybe go to arcade. Even though Aizawa was against (Y/n) not studying, he let her go out, thinking she deserved a little time off.

(Y/n) checked the time, to see this was the time most of the public and private schools would be dismissed around this time. She started picking up her pace. Most of the students leaving would end up hanging around supermarkets, arcades, the malls, anywhere a teen would go after school. If she didn't hurry, then most of the grocery stores would start to get full, and human interaction isn't the easiest thing for her since she's been home schooled her entire life.

The girl saw a bunch of kids already leaving one of the public schools. She mentally sighed, and started going back to her normal pace. There's no need to hurry if there's already going to be students flooding the entire city of Japan.

Unfortunately, the girl wasn't paying any attention to where she was going, and she ended up running right into someone's back. She stumbled back, and nearly fell on her butt. "I-I'm sorry."

"Eh? Watch where you're going bitch." The boy in front of her, who kinda had a raspy voice, growled. He sure wasn't in a good mood. He turned around, and towered over the girl. (Y/n) was as tall as his chin with her heels. But, if we take away the heels, she's only to his chest (I'm so sorry if you're actually taller than 5'7. I'm 5'2, so I would probably be to his chest if I stood next to him).

"I-I'm sorry. I-I was just thinking about something." (Y/n) gave a nervous chuckle, rubbing the back of her head.

"Did I ask for your fucking explanation?" The boy growled, staring down at her with his red eyes. His spiky ash blonde hair made her think of a porcupine for some reason.

This was something (Y/n) wasn't used to. Most of the people she's talked to have been nice, and not swear at her. This was a first for her. She mentally wishing one of her family members were with her at the moment, but she needs to try and handle stuff on her own.

"I-I'm really sorry. I-it was an accident." She stuttered again, trying to keep everything as sane and as professional as possible.

"Yo! Bakugou! Leave the poor girl alone. It was just an accident." A boy said, who was standing behind (Y/n). He was accompanied by another boy.

"Did I ask for you're fucking opinion?!" The boy named Bakugou yelled at the boy that just saved (Y/n).

"I'm just saying. She seems really scared at the moment." The other boy said, waving to the girl, trying to help her get her nerves to calm down. "Besides, you don't want to look bad before the U.A entrance exams start. Don't wanna have a bad reputation before even applying."

Now that sparked a bit of interest for (Y/n). This boy, Bakugou, was going to be taking the U.A exam. From what she could tell, his reputation so far isn't going to make him popular, or have people like him. She slightly hoped his Quirk was strong to make up for the sadness of being unpopular.

(Y/n) noticed Bakugou's attention was on the other two. She took this chance to sneak away, and she was mentally happy she managed to get away without more swears thrown at her.

OLD VERSION ❦ The Pros Daughter ❦ (Katsuki Bakugou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now