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"All Might! We seriously need to get out of here! The citizens police are starting to get attacked, and Nomu's are starting to appear everywhere!" (Y/n) yelled, grabbing onto her uncles large arm and tried to pull him away from the building, but it was quite obvious he wasn't going to budge.

        Grand Torino jumped down, standing next to the girl and the Pro. "Toshinori, these guys..."

        "They shouldn't have been able to warp..." All Might was not wearing his usual smile, which usually meant the situation was far worse than what he had wanted. "They're dealing with this too quickly...!"

        "We have to leave! If we don't get out of here, we're going to get destroyed!" (Y/n) yelled, clapping her hands and touching some of the Nomu's, destroying their brains. She jumped out of the building, and landed on top of a car. Pulling out a GPS, she started looking for any signs of Katsuki, but she came up empty handed. "God damn it!"

        "Instead of swearing, you could be helping instead!" Endeavor yelled, burning one of the Nomu's that staggered towards an officer.

        "I can't get a hold of Jeanist and the others!" Tsukauchi yelled, a look of concern on written all over his face. "It's possible that we failed on the Nomu factory side!"

        "What a mess!" Endeavor yelled, burning another Nomu.

        Clapping her hands together, (Y/n) touched the ground. Blue lightning started forming around her, as a lot of officers and Endeavor up, getting them a better view of the area around them. "Shoot their brains!"

        Just what (Y/n) wanted, Nomu's to start falling as soon as the brain was hit, but some would not go down. The best guess the girl had was that they were embedded with a quirk that could protect their brains.

        "Endeavor!" All Might yelled from the building, looking down at the scene below. "Are you alright?"

        "What're you looking at to ask a question like that?" Endeavor asked, some sass in his words. "Even though you're at the top, will you need bifocals soon?"

        "Not the time to be asking questions! We've gotta get Katsuki! Who knows what the League has done with him!" (Y/n) yelled, rolling around on the wheels of her shoes, trying to save as much energy as she could.

        "If you're going to go, then hurry up and go!" Endeavor yelled, using his quirk to roast some flying Nomu's.

        "I leave it to you. Philosopher, you're with me! We're going to find Bakugou." All Might said, and held down his hand towards the girl.

        Quickly, (Y/n) jumped from the ground, and grabbed his hand. They left the area, trying to find him. Just when (Y/n) thought they were going to have to look everywhere, a beeping came from her GPS, it was Katsuki.

        Mt. Lady currently laid in rubble, barley able to move. Gang Orca's body was twitching, but he showed no signs of being conscious. Riger was holding onto Ragdoll as he used his body as a shield, an officer laid right next to them. Jeanist also laid on the ground, but he was awake.

        "As expected of the number four hero, Best Jeanist. I thought I'd blown everyone away." A large pair of hands clapped slowly as he talked. "To be able to manipulate everyone's clothes and pull them to the side in an instant--That quick decision-making...and skill...You must have nerves of steel."

        Jeanist looked at the man in front of him, with fear in his eyes. "This man..." Jeanist thought back to the meeting that happened before the raid happened, and he was not happy that the information given, did not match up to what's happening. He used his quirk to make the materials of his clothes prop his head up, his eyes getting a better look at the man in front of him. He used the materials from his clothes to go near the floating man, but it was swept away with what seemed to be wind, and a hit to his stomach.

OLD VERSION ❦ The Pros Daughter ❦ (Katsuki Bakugou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now