❦〚Work Work Work〛❦

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        "(Y/n), do you have all of the paperwork you need to deliver to the rest of the pros?" Aizawa asked his daughter, handing her some more paperwork.

"I think so. The stack you're handing me should be the last of it." (Y/n) said, putting the paperwork in a folder, and tied it together with a metal string, just in case someone tries to get the paperwork, it had a little bit of protection. There are always secrets in the paperwork, that only the hero can decipher.

"Now hurry. We need you back for a few things." Aizawa said.

(Y/n) nodded her head. She put the last folder in a messenger bag, and was about to leave the teachers offices, but stopped. Turning back around, (Y/n) ran over to her father, and gave him a hug, and a quick kiss on the cheek. "I'll be back before dinner. Love you dad!"

Aizawa smiled gently, and waved his daughter off. "Love you too."

"Awe! You've become so soft Eraser! Why can't you be that nice to me?" Present Mic asked, wondering why his childhood friend would never be that nice to him, or the rest of the staff.

Aizawa used his scarf, and threw Present Mic out of the room, and into a window that outlooked the school gates. "Because you're alway so damn loud. It's annoying."

Looking down at the list of Pro's that she had to deliver paperwork to, (Y/n) decided she would first go to Best Jeanist first. He was the closest one form where she currently stands. Besides, she knows her uncle doesn't like company when he's teaching, kinda like Aizawa, but less sarcastic.

Making her way to her Uncles hero agency, (Y/n) opened the glass doors. Walking to the front desk, (Y/n) was met with a familiar workers face.

"Hey there Hiro." (Y/n) greeted the worker.

A man with black hair and coal black eyes turned around and smiled. He was hired personally by Best Jeanist with the secret of (Y/n) being Aizawa's daughter. He was also a good friend. Sometimes he would babysit (Y/n0 if Jeanist was busy and had to leave early. "(Y/n). Good to see you. Making your usual rounds today?"

"Yep. I have some paperwork to give to Best Jeanist. Is he busy right now?" (Y/n) asked, resting her chin on the counter.

"He's about to get started with someone from U.A. An ash blonde haired boy, and scary crimson eyes." Hiro said, remembering Katsuki waltzing in all high and mighty.

"That sounds like Katsuki Bakugou." (Y/n) sighed. She should've known that Katsuki would've done Best Jeanist. "I should head up to Uncle Jeanist's office before he murders Katsuki with manners."

"Make sure you keep it quiet." Hiro said, and put a finger over his lips.

(Y/n) winked at him, and put a finger over her lips as well, and went to the elevators. The good news, was that there was one elevator still open with room. The bad part, was that last elevator that had room, was almost jam packed. This was one thing (Y/n) didn't like about delivering. She's always stuck in an elevator when its jam packed.

Swallowing her dignity, (Y/n) got into the elevator, and pressed the button for the floor her uncles office was at. Most of the elevator ride was somewhat ok. There wasn't anything going wrong, just a lot of smelly armpits. But that not the worst part of it. The worst part, was that someone had dropped a stink bomb in the elevator.

When her stop finally came, (Y/n) ran out of the elevator, and into her uncles office, breathing heavily. "Someone, please, put an air freshener in elevator 2. Someone dropped a stink bomb in there."

OLD VERSION ❦ The Pros Daughter ❦ (Katsuki Bakugou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now