🎄Christmas Special pt.2🎄

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Katsuki's crimson eyes groggily opened, his vision blurred. He whipped away the dried dust from his eyes, and his vision cleared, only to see his wife, asleep next to him.

Katsuki's lips grew to a small smile. He remembered how his wife confessed to him. Her face was so red, he couldn't help but chuckle at that time. He let out a small chuckle. He rested one arm under her head, while the other was placed gently, but yet protectively, over her waist. Katsuki closed his eyes, falling back into a light slumber.

Not 2 minutes later, the door burst open, with the sounds of yelling and excited babbling.

"Mom! Dad! Wake up! It's Christmas!" Tatsuki yelled, jumping up and down on his parents bed, Akari holding onto his shirt while yelling excitedly.

(Y/n) opened her tired (e/c) eyes, and looked at her two children. She sat up, and smiled. "Good morning sweeties. You two look so excited."

Even if it was first thing in the morning, to Katsuki, (Y/n) looked beautiful, even with her bed head.

"Let's go open presents! Santa came! He even left us a glowing snowman with two little presents [1]!" Tatsuki yelled, holding a small box with explosion wrapping paper, while he held his sisters, that had blue wrapping paper with a sword on it. Her mother's signature weapon.

"Why not?" Katsiki said, grabbing his son and tickled him.

(Y/n) grabbed her daughter, and gave her a raspberry on her stomach, making the baby squeal in happiness.

The parents let this children go, and watched as Tatsuki grabbed his sister, tossing her up into the air. Akari grabbed onto her older brothers shirt, as Tatsuki ran out of the room.

"It's a miracle he hasn't dropped her yet." (Y/b) admitted. She was afraid of her daughter being dropped by their son, since he has his father's carelessness.

"Even if he did, Akari wouldnalways forgive him." Katsuki chuckled, before kissing his wife on the top of her head. "Now let's go open those presents."

"I got a bow and arrow!" Tatsuki yelled, drawing the plastic string back, and shot a suction cup arrow towards a nearby window.

Akari giggled in happiness, while she held a stuffed teddy bear. She cuddled closely to it, feeling happiness.

The parents of these two children, were setting up a video cam for the kids to see their great uncles and aunts.

"Katsuki, can you hand me that wire over there?" (Y/n) asked, pointing to a blue wire.

Katsiki handed his wife the wire, before setting up the camera. "We should be fine once you plug that in."

Right when (Y/n) plugged in the wire, the AR (alternate reality) screen showed the entire Pro Hero community, along with Shoto, Momo, Izuku, Uraraka, Tsu, and some of the rest of the former Class-A.

The two kids looked on the screen, before they smiled. They ran to the screen, wanting to see their family.

"There's our little fire cracker!" Present Mic yelled, happy to see his grand nephew. "Man you've gotten big! Right Eraser?"

"Let me sleep." Aizawa sighed, before he used his scarf to hit Present Mic somewhere else.

Midnight looked on the screen, and saw her grand niece. "Oh my gosh! Akari is so cute! She's gotten bigger since she was born!"

OLD VERSION ❦ The Pros Daughter ❦ (Katsuki Bakugou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now