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"Congrats Midoriya-kun!" (Y/n) hugged her cousin tightly. She hasn't had the chance to congratulate him on his win.

        "T-thanks (Y/n)-chan." Izuku thanked her, giving her a hug back. he viewed the younger Aizawa family member like a sister,  or a cousin, but there are no romantic feelings. He was slightly terrified if he hereto date her, Aizawa would be angry, or he might have Katsuki after him even more than he already was.

        "Though, while you were under Shinso-kuns brainwashing, how were you able to break free?I read up on his quirk, and the only way is if an outside source has helped break the mind washing spell." (Y/n) let her poor cousin out of the tight grip, and let him breath.

        "I have no clue, but I thought I saw some ghosts, and I saw All Might there. It might have to do something with him giving me his Quirk." Izuku covered his mouth, not realizing that the girl already knew the secret between him and her uncle. "Please don't tell anyone..."

        "Don't worry about it cousin of mine!" (Y/n) patted him on the back, a little too hard. "I had interrogated Uncle Yagi, and he spilled the beans faster than water flowing out of a cup. Your secret is safe with me."

        "T-Thanks." Izuku thanked her, feeling happy that there was someone who would keep the secret, and another ally that would help him keep it a secret from the public. "W-wait...you interrogated him!?"

        "It was more like ask." (Y/n) giggled. She saw her poor cousins soul leave his body, while his body went limp in the chair.

        "Anyways, I gotta go see Recovery Girl. I wanted to see if she needed any help before my match starts." (Y/n) smiled, and left her friend to himself.

        "(Y/n), can I have a word with you?" (Y/n) turned around, and saw her stoic cousin.

        "Shouto? Sure thing, but aren't you going out to fight soon?" (Y/n) asked, looking at her dear cousin with a confused face. "You're going up against Sero, aren't you?"

        "That is correct, but I wanted to ask you something about your bandaged arm." He said, directing his two closed eyes to the bandaged arm. "I know that isn't from the fight."

        "What? Yeah it was." Let's be honest, (Y/n) isn't the best lier, and she didn't like lying to her family or friends.

        "No it was not. You were perfectly fine when you came out of that ring, but something happened to you." Shouto started pressing the subject. "Tell me the truth."

        (Y/n) clutched her hands together, and sighed. Her arms dropping to her sides, while her never started to go on high alert. "You father had confronted me when I left the bathroom. He demanded that I throw the fight if I were to against you. I refused, because he wanted me to throw it because he wanted it, not because you wanted it. So he grabbed my arm, and he burned me. Dad had come to my rescue, erased his quirk, and thew him against a wall. The reason it is bandage was because it wasn't the worst injury, and grandma did't want to drain a lot of my stamina because of it being a burn. Though, it was worse than what we had expected."

        There was no response form Shouto. (Y/n) looked at her cousin, and saw he had the most pissed off face. That was something she was not expecting. It seemed as if circles around his eyes had increased, while his anger started to boil. (Y/n) could feel there was heat starting to radiate off of him.

        "S-Shouto. Y-you have to get to the ring. I'm fine, don't worry." (Y/n) patted her cousin on the right shoulder, and ran the opposite direction, to where she would fid her father and her uncle.

        Shouto just walked in the direction of the arena. He turned the corner, only to see his father standing there. "You did this."       

        "What did I do?" Endeavor asked, playing dumb, like he always have when it came to such serious situations.

        "You injured (Y/n). You burned her arm. You hurt her."S onto stomped to his father, looking at him in the eyes, weren't looking any happier, but just more angry.

        "I just confronted her about how she did. I did nothing bad." Endeavor lied, and leaned off of the wall. "I expect you to use your left side."

        "I won't. I won't be like you." Shouto said, and walked pas this father. He was feeling more and more angry. "If you even think about hurting any of my classmates again, you will regret it."

        "You don't need friends, and you don't need that girl." Endeavor mumbled under his breath.

        Shouto heard that, and he send ice towards his father. He managed to freeze almost the entire hallways, and freeze the bottom of his father's boots to the ground, but the ice started to melt. "You dare say that about her again, and I will kill you."

        "I know you won't. You need me." Endeavor melted the ice around the hallway, leaving everything wet. "And you know it."

        Shouto stomped off, not wanting to listen to his father's words any longer.

        (Y/n) opened the door to the dominators room. It was only Present Mic saying some stuff, while Aizawa was asleep on the floor, in his yellow sleeping bag.

        "And for our next round, we are joined by (Y/n) Sou, who will be moving onto the next round!" Present Mic shouted.

        (Y/n) waved out form the large window, where there are a lot of people waving back, while there were little kids waving up at her. "Hello everyone! For this round, we have Shouto Todoroki! Along Hanta Sero!"

        The two walked out of the tunnels. (Y/n) saw how happy Sero was, and also how nervous that he was. He was going to be going against one of the strongest students of class A. But what (Y/n) didn't have a settling feeling about, was that Shouto had his head down, not looking the happiest.

        Watching the competition, (Y/n) couldn't help but have a bad feeling when she was watching Shouto just get tossed around. She knows this isn't something like him. But what she didn't expect, was to be seeing a bunch of ice suddenly shooting.

        "W-what's going on?!" (Y/n) shouted, not seeing anything because of all the fog.

        "T-Todoroki g-goes t-to t-the n-next r-round!" Midnight yelled.

        "That was kinda quick." Present Mic said. "Hey (Y/n), go down and see if you can help."

        "Got it!" (Y/n) ran out of the room, and ran down to the arena. She was in the tunnel that was blocked by the  She clapped her hands. She clapped her hands on the wall, and created an ice pick. And she started hacking against the ice, chipping off large pieces, while making a tunnel for herself.

        After a good hour of cleaning up the ice, it was all cleaned, and had to be dried, so that would postpone everything for only 10 minutes.

        "Hey Shouto, are you ok?" (Y/n) asked her cousin, walking over to him, with the axe on her shoulder.

        "I'm fine." Shouto was a little more calm, and he walked away.

        (Y/n) was about to go after him, but Midnight had stopped her. "Let him have some space."

        (Y/n) watched as her cousin walked off to dry up the remaining water. "What happened to him...?"

OLD VERSION ❦ The Pros Daughter ❦ (Katsuki Bakugou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now