❧〘Dadzawa Moments Pt.4〙❧

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(Y/n), age 6

        (Y/n) was currently sitting with Uncle Mic. Both were reading some books. It was the weekend, and that meant there was no classes, so Present Mic took some time to spend it with his niece. They were all hanging out at the Aizawa residence, where they could get away from their jobs.

        "Uncle Mic. Do you know where babies come form?" (Y/n) asked, looking up from her chemistry book, and looked her uncle in the eye.

        Present Mic was really hoping he would never be asked that question. He was really hoping she would ask her father, or ask someone else. "W-well...y-you see...a daddy has a plug...and a mommy has an outlet and sparks fly between them. Now when the plug goes inside the outlet...w-well, the computer turns on and they order a baby online (yes, this was from Liza Kosh)!"

        "So dad had ordered me online?" (Y/n) asked, wondering if her father had really just ordered her online.

        "T-totally!" Present Mic shouted, and got up off the couch. "I-I'm going to go get some water! G-go find your aunt!"

        "Ok." (Y/n) closed the large chemistry book, and set it on the coffee table. Getting off the couch, (Y/n) went to go find her dark haired aunt.

        "Aunt Midnight. Where do babies come from?" (Y/n) asked, sitting on one of the bar stools at the island in the kitchen.

        Midnight had almost dropped her mug. Setting the coffee pot down on the counter, Midnight faced her niece. "W-why don't you ask your Uncle Mic?"

        "Uncle Mic said I was ordered off the internet. I don't think I fully believe him though. That seems just crazy." (Y/n) said, shaking her head. She didn't fully believe her uncle, but she wanted a second opinion.

        "W-well. Y-you see. B-babies are brought here by the storks!" Midnight said, trying not to freak out.

        "Storks?" (Y/n) asked. She imagined the bird flying with a baby in it mouth, and that was just unsettling. "You're saying a stork had brought me to the school, and dad found me and became my dad?"

        "That's exactly what I'm saying!" Midnight said, hoping her niece would buy the story.

        "I think I'm just going to ask Uncle Nezu." (Y/n) said, and got off the bar stool, and went to the library, where she would most likely find her uncle.

        "Uncle Nezu. Where do babies come from?" (Y/n) asked, tilting her head to the side, curious still. "Aunt Midnight said a stork brings them to us, but I don't think that bird could actually carry a human baby."

        "Of course your aunt had told you that story. Actually, they come from a cabbage patch." Nezu said, staying clam. He thought it was best Aizawa had told the story on where babies came from. Might as well tell another story.

        "A cabbage patch? So, babies come out from the ground?" (Y/n) asked, trying to imagine babies suddenly coming up from the ground. Or that they grew in the ground, and then they popped up out of the ground. "That seems weird."

        "There are many stories about how babies come from. Many stories have come out about where babies have came form. There are ones like your uncle had said, ordering them off the internet, which they don't." Nezu said, locking his fingers together and looked at his niece.

        "I knew it!" (Y/n) said.

        "Then there are ones that your aunt had told you." Nezu said. "And down't worry, a stork didn't bring you here. That is too dangerous."

        "That's kinda what I was thinking." (Y/n) said. What would've happened if the stork had dropped the baby? What if there was bad weather and the baby didn't survive the cold? There were many flaws to that story.

        "Then there are ridiculous ones like the one I just told you. Babies don't grow from the ground." Nezu said, smiling. "If babies did grow in a cabbage patch, they would be in a lot of danger as well. If you really want to know where babies come from, you should ask your father."

        "Alright." (Y/n) nodded her head, and left the library to find her father, who was most likely in his room.

        Aizawa woke up to pats on his face. He opened his tired eyes, and saw his daughter sitting next to him. Her small hand was on his head, while her (e/c) eyes stared into his. "Dad. Can you tell me where babies come form?"

        Aizawa sighed. He was really hoping this was an emergency, but it was just a question. "Why don't you go ask your uncles and aunt? They could tell you."

        "I did ask them. Uncle Mic said babies are ordered online. Aunt Midnight had also said that they are brought by the storks. Uncle Nezu said they came from a cabbage patch, but then he told me to ask you instead." (Y/n) explained to her father.

        Aizawa sighed. He thought he could rely on them, but it was obvious he can't. "Look, right now isn't the time to ask. And besides, why do you want to know where babies come from?"

        "Curiosity." (Y/n) smiled.

        "Curiosity killed the cat you know." Aizawa said, and rolled over on his back. He set his daughter on his stomach, and held her close, just wanting to go back to sleep.

        "But satisfaction brought it back. Now tell me please." (Y/n) said, laid down on her father chest, and looked at him.

        Aizawa sighed. "Fine. Babies come form their mommies tummy. They come form inside."

        "But how did the baby get in there?" (Y/n) asked, resting her head on his chest.

        "The daddy had put the baby inside her." Aizawa said.

        "That just seems weird." (Y/n) said.

        "Don't worry. I'll give you a book on where babies come form. Now let me go back to sleep." Aizawa said, and closed his eyes.

        "But dad..." (Y/n) said, wanting her question to be answered, and know some more information.

        "No buts. Now then, go to sleep." Aizawa demand.

        "Fine." (Y/n) sighed.

        "Which story did you tell her?" Midnight asked her coworker and her boss. "I had told her the story about the storks."

        "I told her the internet one. I should thank Liza Koshy for this one." Present Mic said, hitting his head on the table. "I never thought she would ask that question so soon. She usually just looks for a book to answer her questions, so why did she ask?"

        "Probably just wanted to." Nezu smiled. "I told her the cabbage patch one. I also told her the stories you guys had told her was wrong. I suggested she talked to Aizawa about where ethyl come form."

        "I hope she just reads a book intend of ask again." Midnight said, sighing.

        (Y/n) walked past Midnight and Present Mic. "I know where babies come from. You guys should've just told me instead of tell me silly stories."

        "We didn't know if Aizawa wanted you to know." Midnight defended herself. That was one reason, the other, it was a very weird conversation.

        "It's alright." (Y/n) smiled. "Just tell me next time please."

        (Y/n) walked away form her aunt and uncle, to put the book on where babies come form in the library. She read the entire book before it was noon, and she started at 10.

        "That girl is just like her father. Stubbornly independent..." Midnight sighed. She just hoped that the stubborn independence won't be a bad thing when her niece grows up.

        "She'll be alright." Present Mic put his thumbs up. "She's our niece. She'll be fine."

        Hope you all enjoyed this Dadzawa story! I hope to see you all in the next chapter! Have a great whoever time zone you are in!

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