❦〚The Sports Festival pt.1〛❦

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So, yeah. Sports Festival time. I'm going by the Japanese version of the anime, so if someone says something different, that's why. Also, the Sports Festival chapters are going to be longer, so that means updates will be even slower. So, yeah, there's that. Anyways, on with the chapter.

"Get up!" Present Mic yelled into his megaphone, right into his poor nieces ear.

Poor (Y/n) woke up with a jolt, and grabbed the retractable staff from under her pillow, and pressed a button, retracting it. The top of the staff whacked Present Mic in the head. The poor English teacher fell on the floor with a loud thud.

"Uncle Mic!" (Y/n) shouted, and jumped out of bed, and ran over to her Uncle. "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine!" The teacher stood up, and smiled, even though there was a red spot on his forehead. "Don't worry about me! You have quick reflexes! That's good!"

The girl gave out a sigh. "Uncle Mic. Please explain to me why you had to wake me up with a megaphone."

Present Mic smiled even more. "Today's the sports festival!"

And that's when it clicked. (Y/n) smiled just as wide as her uncle, before jumping up of off the floor, and started to get ready. "It's today! This is going to be awesome."

Present Mic smiled. From when he first saw his niece, she was a shy little girl, stuttered with her words and barley got excited around others. But now, she doesn't stutter as much as she used to around her classmates, and she gets excited to see them.

"I forgot to mention, you're going to be going by a different last name. Your last name is now Shou." Present Mic said, looking at a wall while his neice was changing. "Eraser Head wanted me to tell you."

The girl sighed. "I really do wish we could tell everyone."

Present Mic knew this was hard for her, but it had to be done. "I know kid. But maybe when you're older, everyone will be able to know."

The girl just sighed once more, and finished getting changed.

They day went so fast for (Y/n), she found herself waiting with her classmates. The festival was going to start, but they were waiting for Iida to get back.

(Y/n) sat with Mina, Kaminari, Kirishima, and Bakugou.

"This is going to be so exciting!" Mina cheered. "It's the sports Festival! Isn't that cool?!"

"I guess so. I used to watch the Sports Festival with my family all the time when I was growing up. When the festival was over, I used to challenge my family to battles, pretending I was able to participate in them. But, I didn't defeat any of them till I turned 7." (Y/n) remembered how often she battled her family when the festival was over. She had to admit, her family really didn't hold back on her, but it just made her all the more better with her Quirk, no matter how much it ended up hurting for her.

"Sounds like your family is competitive." Kaminari sighed, a little nervous to know hard (Y/n)'s training was with her family.

"We had to stop Uncle Yagi from competing with us, mainly because he would always win." (Y/n) remembered he won at least 3 years in a row before they decided to make him a judge.

"Yagi?" The group asked, except for Katsuki. He wasn't all that interested in the topic. He just wanted to win.

And that was when the girl realized no one really knew All Might's real name. She wanted to tell them who he was, but that was probably not a good idea. "Just someone from another country who visited."

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