❦〚Class Representitives Pt.1〛❦

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(Y/n) went walking to U.A, her usual morning routine with her taking the back door, going a few blocks down the road, and walk to U.A. What she didn't add into her schedule, there were reporters crowding around her.

"Tell us about All Might!" A male reporter shoved his mic into her face, making the girl lift her hands up and try to block them.

"What is it like having All Might as a teacher?!" A very persistent female reporter shoved her mic in the girls face, along with a giant camera.

(Y/n) was then surrounded by all the reporters, and she was only 50 feet away from the entrance of the school.

"Excuse me." A familiar monotone voice made everyone look at who it was. It was none other than Shota Aizawa, looking tired and annoyed. "Could you let my student attend school?"

"Tell us about All Might first!" The same women yelled, trying to push her mic into Aizawa's face as well, wanting answers.

Aizawa sighed, before he walked out of the school gates and grabbed his daughters wrist, before dragging her back into the school, the flood of reporters following close behind. Luckily, they made it through the gates, ad no reporters followed them.

"Thanks..." (Y/n) whispered loud enough for her father to hear her.

"Just be careful." Aizawa mumbled, and kept dragging his daughter back into the school.

"Now then everyone. I looked at the video footage of yesterday's battles." Aizawa stood in front of the class, his tired black eyes looking at his students. "Bakugou. You fight well, but stop acting like a 7 year old."

Katsuki growled, but didn't bother to yell. "Got it."

"And Midoriya. You have to stop breaking your bones. If you learn how to control your Quirk, then you might actually do well." Aizawa looked at Izuku, not really caring. The only thing Aizawa cared about was beating up Bakugou, and taking his morning nap.

"Y-yes sir!" Izuku shouted, a small smile growing on his face, feeling like there was a slight bit of hope he had from the home room teacher.

"Now then, there is another special thing we have that should be brought up." Aizawa said, looking at his class.

The entire class started to get worried on what could possibly be the special thing. All of them started to panic, thinking there was something going to happen to them. Even (Y/n) wasn't feeling the tension and nervousness of class.

"It's time for you to pick your class representatives." Aizawa groaned, remembering last years first years commotion from what happened last time. That sure as hell wasn't the highlight of his year.

"Something normal school related!" All the students shouted relieved, while (Y/n) hit her head on her desk.

"Oh no! Class representatives! That's the absolute worst time of the school year!" (Y/n) screamed in her head. When she was 10, and she was watching her father teach the class, he mentioned class representatives. The entire class went crazy, all of them wanting them to become the class representative.

"Me!" Mineta yelled.

"No way! I should be the representative!" Mina yelled, standing with her hand raised up higher than Mineta's.

"Me! It will be me! ME!" Katsuki yelled loudly, standing on his table.

The entire class has become a chaotic battle zone for a position of power in the class. (Y/n) just watched the conversations going on, and how Iida had suggested by doing a vote. Whoever get's the most votes is going to become the class rep and second in line will get to be the class officer. She giggled at the part where she watched her father just hide in his sleeping bag, taking his usual morning nap.

In the end, Izuku had a total of three votes, while (Y/n) also had a total of three votes.

"Whoa! I got three votes!" (Y/n) smiled brightly, surprised to see someone had even voted for her.

"Who the hell voted for shitty Deku!?" Katsuki yelled, standing straight up in his chair, angry to see Deku had beaten him in the voting. "And who the fuck voted for the Alchemy bitch?"

The next thing the kids knew, a familiar scarf wrapped around Katsuki and his mouth. He was lifted off the floor, before he was suddenly slammed down.

"Uh oh...father's awake..." (Y/n) mentally cried in happiness. She really needed one of her family members to come save them, and her answer as paired by her father.

"Will you just shut up?" Aizawa glared at the ash blonde fire cracker. It was a half and half intent right now. Half of Aizawa was throwing Katsuki was because he was being loud as heck, while the other side of him was doing it because he had insulted his daughter. "Now then, Midoriya is going to be the class representative, while (Y/n) is going to be the deputy class rep."

Izuku started shaking, and going on about how this wasn't happening, and if this was serious. "S-seriously? Seriously?"

The (h/c) haired girl just pat her friend on the back, trying to get him to calm down. "Don't worry Izu-kun. You'll be fine. It's not as bad as you really make it out to be."

"O-Ok..." Izuku just kept shaking a stuttering, making the pros daughter feel really bad for him.

"Father, I think Izuku was going to pee his pants when he was put as class rep." (Y/n) giggled, while she ate some of her rice. "But we were tied for class rep, how come you had me become the class deputy?"

"I didn't want it to seem like we were playing favorites. And besides, it's best if he's put in a leadership position. I already know you can handle it, but that boy seems like just a bark from a dog will have him wet the bed." Aizawa said, taking a sip of his glass of water.

"You gotta be put into leadership positions to be a good leader!" Present Mic yelled in a very enthusiastic way. He had decided to join his niece and best friend for lunch today.

"I was asked by so many of my classmates to join them for lunch, but I had to lie to all of them...I feel kinda bad..." (Y/n) had an anime sweat drop run down the right side of her head. Mina and Kirishima had asked her to join them, but she lied and said she was going to the roof. The Uraraka, Izuku, and Iida had asked, but she then lied and said she was going to the roof, but they said they'd join her. So then, she lied and said she had to talk to Aizawa about grades.

"It's alright. Once they find out, they'll understand why you lied." Present Mic just shrugged, knowing his students well, and they all seemed to understand.

Suddenly, the alarms started going off.

This is a level three lock down. All students, please exit the building in an orderly fashion.

"But a level three level three lock down is supposed to mean there are villains attacking!" (Y/n) stood up form her seat, and rushed out of the room, looking out he window. She deadpanned. "Well...they aren't villains...but it is the press.."

"(Y/n). Go to the cafeteria and clear everything up to them." Aizawa pushed his daughter towards the cafeteria. "Present Mic and I will go deal with the press."

(Y/n) ran to the cafeteria, trying to make it before the doors would suddenly burst open of students. She stopped in front of the doors, and opened, them, only to get trampled by all the worried children.

"Everyone! Please! Listen!" (Y/n) tried grabbing their attentions, but it wasn't working. She then saw Iida, and she quickly pointed to out the window, where the press was. He nodded, understanding.

(Y/n) was suddenly pushed against the wall, with another body pushed on top of hers.

"You've gotta be fucking kidding me!" A familiar voice made the girl look up, only to see Katsuki, angry as hell.

Yeah, I know, I'm evil. Hope you all enjoyed.

OLD VERSION ❦ The Pros Daughter ❦ (Katsuki Bakugou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now