❦〚The Gem of U.A〛❦

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        "Daddy! Look! Look! I made a small bear out of this wood!" (Y/n) jumped up and down, holding the tiny little bear statue in the palm of her hands. She looked at up at her father with a bright smile on her face. (Y/n)'s hair has grown since she was a little baby, now it reaches to her (shoulder/upper back/lower back/ butt). Her eyes were still the energetic (e/c) eyes that first looked at Aizawa. She's now 4 years old, meaning she has discovered her Quirk.

Aizawa looked down form the chair he was sitting in, and saw how detailed the statue was. It was better than the one she first made when she just turned 4. "Very impressive. Your Alchemy Quirk has gotten better since yesterday."

"Thank you daddy!" (Y/n) smiled more, and set the little bear statue on her fathers desk. "I made this one for you! I think this is the best one I've ever made!"

Aizawa picked his daughter up, and set her on his lap. "I know you can do better than this. I know you can, but you just need to practice more and study more about your Quirk."

"But there aren't any books about Alchemy Quirks. I've gone though the entire library, and there's nothing about my Quirk." (Y/n) whined. Ever since (Y/n) first discovered her Quirk, which was a complete accident, she's been looking through U.A's library. She's almost 5 now.

"You're quirk is one of the rarest kinds. I'm not very surprised there isn't any records of Alchemy Quirks here in Japan." Aizawa said, putting the little bear statue next to his coffee mug. "I will ask the Principal if he can ask any of the American schools if they have any records or books on Alchemy Quirks."

"Really?" (Y/n) smiled, looking up at her father.

"Really. Now go visit Uncle Mic. He wanted to see you when you when you were with Recovery Girl." Aizawa faintly remembered what his friend asked of him. It really wasn't that important for him to remember.

"Uncle Mic? What did he want to talk to me about?" She asked, hopping off of her fathers lap. She was silently hoping it wasn't another moment of her Uncle taking advantage of her Quirk, and make her fix something that he broke. "Did he break something again?"

"I thought I heard a crash earlier. It's possible." Aizawa simply shrugged. He did hear the crash coming from Present Mic's class, but there was no need for him to have her now. He had a class at the moment. "Just head on over. If there's still a class, remember..."

"Be respectful, but kick their ass if they try something." (Y/n) responded. It's true. Aizawa had that ingrained into his daughters head ever since she was able to talk. There was no way in hell he was going to let anyone do something to his daughter. Now that she has her Quirk, it would be easier for her to defend herself.

"Good girl." Aizawa praised. He gently rubbed his daughters head, before sending her away to Present Mic's classroom.

(Y/n) made it to classroom 1-A. She grabbed the handle of the door, but it already slid open with a loud thud. She looked up, and there was Present Mic with a large smile on his face. "There's my favorite niece!"

The next thing (Y/n) knew, she was picked up by her uncle, and the room was spinning to her. She held onto Present Mic tightly, fearing she was going to go flying if he let her go.

"Uh...Yamada-sensei. I think she's going to be sick." One of his students spoke up for the little girl.

Present Mic stopped spinning, and held the little girl. (Y/n) had her head resting on his shoulder, feeling like the room was still spinning.

"Why is the room still spinning....?" The 4 year old asked, her face slightly green.

"Whoops. Sorry (Y/n)." Present Mic said, feeling slightly bad. He really couldn't help himself. He did baby sit the girl when Aizawa was busy, so he was there to raise her. She really was like a niece to him. "But I brought my niece here, because she has a very rare Quirk I would like you all to see."

OLD VERSION ❦ The Pros Daughter ❦ (Katsuki Bakugou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now