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Sorry for the lack of updates people. I had sustained a concussion, so that means not a lot of screen time. It's still there, but I kinda went against my doctor and went onto screens anyways. Sorry again for the lack of updates, and I hope you all enjoy this chapter. Bye!

Waking up from her nap, (Y/n) saw class was just ending. She had spent so long on her report, along with trying to handle the media since a lot of people wanted to talk to her about her defensive aura against the Hero Killer, she hasn't had a lot of time to sleep. She's been taking naps in a lot of classes, but her family never punished her. They'd see the light in her room, and hear the furious clicking of her computer with communicating between the media, along with getting her homework done. She's only been getting half an hour of sleep. "What did I miss...?"

"(Y/n)-Chan. You're awake. Are you alright?" Izuku asked his cousin, walking over. He knows about his cousins lack of sleep, and it worried him.

"I think so...? I haven't had enough sleep..." (Y/n) rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, tying to keep herself up.

"Do you want to sleep? Classes are over, and you need some rest." Uraraka asked, worried about her friends health.

"No no...I'll...be...ok...." And that's when she had fallen asleep once again.

"Do you guys know what place she had gotten on the midterms?" Mina asked, wondering what her friend had placed.

"She had gotten first place." Izuku said, remembering the score orders of his classmates. "I'm surprised she had even gotten first with how many naps she's been taking and how busy she's been."

"She works hard to stay in the school. Even if she's the daughter of Aizawa-sensei, she works hard to prove that she deserves to be in the school, that she earned that position. I can't blame her really." Iida said, laying a blanket over his cousin to help keep her warm.

"She's a dumbass for not getting enough rest. Honestly, she's pathetic." Katsuki said, expressing his concern for the girl in a different way than the others.

"'Even (Y/n) got higher grades than us, and she's half dead!" Kaminari shouted, feeling sorry for himself for not studying and taking things seriously.

"The practical exam should be harder for her, considering it takes physical energy and not mental energy." Shouto said, using his left side to help head up his cousin, just a little something toehold her stay warm.

"That's true." Momo said. "But I will be able to help you guys study for the next tests."

Momo was a saint for letting her classmates come to her house, to study, and to hang out, considering she'd be letting some of the most reckless people in her own home.

Asleep on her desk, (Y/n) was suddenly awoken to a hand slamming down on her desk. She didn't flinch, but she opened one eye slowly, and looked at who the culprit was.

"Have a good nap Alchemy Freak?" Katsuki asked, looking down at her.

"I guess it was ok. I'm not sure if I really had a good nap though." (Y/n) said, lifting her head form her desk and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. She stretched her arms, hearing a satisfying popping sound. "Did I miss anything important?"

"Nah. Everyone is just getting ready to study for the tests. Some of them went to that weird creation girls house to study, and I'm stuck with the red haired looser to study with since he asked me." Katsuki groaned, not looking forward to studying with Kirsihima.

"You're studying with Kirishima? Oh, that sounds good." (Y/n) was still half asleep, so she really wasn't paying attention to anything, and her brain was working much slower than usual.

"Jeez you're hopeless when you're half asleep." Katsuki said, grabbing her bad and started walking out of the room. "Come on. Let's go study."

(Y/n) didn't bother arguing, and just followed him. She was about 2 feet behind him, while she was swaying back and forth, not fully awake yet.

"Hey there Bakugou! Aizawa!" Kirishima greeted the two. All three of them were hanging out at a cafe where they could study for the written exam.

"Hi Kirishima." (Y/n) greeted her friend, a little more awake than before.

"Looks like you're alive now. You were asleep as dead as a doorknob." Kirsihima teased, moving into the booth and let (Y/n) sit on the outside of the table.

Katsuki groaned, and sat on the other side of the two. "She was half asleep for the entire fucking walk. She almost walked right into moving traffic because she was so tired."

"I did?" (Y/n) asked, honestly not remembering that.

Katsuki was right. (Y/n) did nearly walk into moving traffic because she was so tired. While Katuski waited for the street sign to glow a walking person, (Y/n) went right by him, and he nearly jumped in front of a car to grab the girl before she was hit by a speeding car.

"Yes you did you fucking Alchemy Freak!" Katuski yelled, slamming his book bag down onto the table. "Just get your fucking thins out of your bag and let's just get this study session over with. I don't want to have to deal with you two for very long."

And that's what the trio did. They stayed at the cafe till it was closing time, and met up the remaining days before the written exam days started. Kirishima asked (Y/n) for a lot of the answers, and that earned him a hit on the had and an ear full from Katsuki, saying he should do his own work and that (Y/n) wasn't going to be there for him during the actual exam. As for (Y/n), she did barley any studying since she had gotten first in the last ones, but it didn't mater much anyways. She could land any hero job due to her connections, along with already taking the exams last year and passing. This was just a year for fun.

"Thanks again for letting me come and study with you and Kirishima." (Y/n) thanked Katsuki, as he was walking her back to these school.

"It wasn't my idea. Shitty hair just said to bring you along." Katsuki lied, walking side by side with her. "The written exams start tomorrow. You better not lose to me."

"I haven't lost to you yet." (Y/n) smirked, flicking him on the forehead before she sprinted the rest of the way back to the school. "See you tomorrow!"

Katsuki growled, but huffed. He let it go, and just walked back to his place. He had to admit, spending time with (Y/n) during the study session...he didn't hate it.

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