❧〘Summer Fling〙❧

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        In this AU, barely anyone form Class A knows one another. Some people know each other because they live in the same area. Then there are others who live in different countries, like Mexico, France, that kind of thing. So MC is from America with Aizawa, while Katsuki, Midoriya, Kirishima, and a few others are in Mexico. Everyone does have their Quirk. Just so you know.

        "(Y/n). Do you think you can go to Mexico for a little while? Your training there could help you improve here, since Mexico has some different training sessions than what we have. Do you think you could be there for a year?" Aizawa asked, looking at his daughter, who is only 16.

        "Mexico? You sure about that dad? Where will I even stay when I come over?" (Y/n) asked, sitting on her bed with a tablet in hand, looking over the current students her father was training, already setting up the training sessions they have to do to improve their physical bodies and their quirks.

        "You'll be staying with some old family friends of ours. They're known as the Fang family. A family originally from China, but they moved to Mexico due to her father having a new job. Let's just say, they needed a new area to train." Aizawa handed a folder with the profiles of X and her family, her mother being white and her father being Mexican, along with her older brother being Korean.

        "But why do they have an Asian last name if the parents aren't Asian?" (Y/n) asked, reading over the backgrounds of X first.

        "They were adopted. The last name is just an alias to help keep their family a secret." Aizawa said, not giving his daughter the files of the Fang families real background. It was something his daughter needed to know about at the moment.

        "What a strange family." (Y/n) said, tossing the files back to her father, and started packing. "Fine. But it's your treat to take me to my favorite restaurant when I come back. I'm gonna miss American food for a little while."

        "I'm sure you will. But Mexico has quite an amazing spread of food. Be sure to enjoy it while you can before you come back." Aizawa said, leaving his daughter's room so she could pack her bags.

        Walking off of the plane, (Y/n) looked around the air port, trying to find anyone with the her alias last name. Can't blame her that much, now can you?

        "Shou?" A Chinese girl asked, standing in front of (Y/n). She was 5'2, with short black hair and brown eyes. She was wearing a black t-shirt along with jean shorts and sneakers. "You must be (Y/n) Shou. Please, follow me. We will be going to my house and get you situated."

        "And you are?" (Y/n) asked, not moving from her spot, wanting to know who this girl was.

        "I'm X. Just call me X for now." X said, grabbing (Y/n)'s suit case and dragged it behind her. "Please, follow me."

        (Y/n) thought about it for a second. But shrugged. Might as well just follow this Asian. She did seem to fit the description of the the file her father had given her.

        With a simple taxi driving up to a large mansion, (Y/n) was shocked to see it was a mansion. A large white house with marble pillars and pristine glass windows. There was a large pool on the left side of the house, with a large garden in the back.

        "This is my home. I hope you enjoy your stay here." X said, getting out of the taxi and grabbed (Y/n)'s suit case out of the trunk, walking up to the gates that lead into the property. Punching in a complicated code, the gates opened, and she walked through. "Please, do follow."    

        She didn't need to be told twice with her curiosity taking over. (Y/n) got out of the taxi, and followed her. There was no workers, along with no one else on the property. It was just her and X. "Where are the others?"

OLD VERSION ❦ The Pros Daughter ❦ (Katsuki Bakugou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now